Kidnap By Mr.Agrest: Never Coming Back

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~The next day~

Marinette hastily opened her eyes and groan in pain. Her lower half was very sore, but she couldn't help and like the soreness. Even though Adrien had treated her as a play doll yesterday. She wasn't, or she thought. She just lay there awake for about 2 more hours until Adrien finally came through the door. Marinette whipped her head up to find a tray in his hands. His face was emotionless. The same face he held last night while he was fucking her until she didn't even know her name. Which did happen!

Adrien walked closer to Marinette causing her to tense up and look down at the tray that was say on the bed in front of her. Adrien just rolled his eyes at her reaction. "Eat." He spat out. Marinette looked up at him with a him with disgust. "No." She spat back, mocking him. He was starting to get angry again, but she didn't care. She felt dirty, used, ashamed. How could she let a cheater touch her? Even though that was her husband. To find a picture on the news him pressed up on some other girl at a restaurant. The same restaurant he had taken them since they were teenagers. Marinette quickly covered any parts of her body that was showing, even her legs. He doesn't deserve to see those either.

Adrien was getting even more mad. Why was she acting like this? Also why did she just cover her body? Adrien groaned frustration and sat on the edge of the bed." If you don't eat I will show it down your throat. Or do you prefer the cock instead?" He said looking straight in her eyes not smiling. Marinette eyes widen in fear. She did not want that pricks dick in her mouth again. Not a cheating one. Marinette yanked the plate to her and begin to eat the food.

After eating she begun to feel nauseous, but she held it back and pushed the tray to the side. Adrien stared at her the whole time watching her movements. He knew something what's up. "What's wrong?" He asked. Marinette eyes widen in surprise. Did he really just ask her what was wrong? She began to laugh, her laughter increasing in a minimum of seconds. "What's wrong?" She repeated " WHAT'S WRONG!" She screamed making Adrien move back in shock. She had never yelled at him before. "You want to know what's fucking wrong? Well let me tell you about me fucking entire month." She begun

"Well first it started with me coming home every day at 9pm from work tired and ready for bed, but all husband want to do is play with your bod- wait I meant use your body. Second, I can't take a nap in peace! I always have to get up for a husband who is so godamn lazy just to get something for himself. Next to find out when I come home your not even home yet. Why do you come so late? You don't work. So why?" Marinette asked cocking her head to the side. " I do-," " shut the fuck up." Marinette interrupted.

"Do you wanna know the best part? One day when I was waiting for my husband to get home I found out on the news him pushed up on some other girl at a restaurant. Kissing and having fun. So while your WIFE is at home worried, your out there with some cheap job having fun or whatever your doing. Or better like SHOVING YOUR DICK IN OTHER PEOPLE. It's funny how I thought you could only have sex with the same person for 7 years." Marinette snorted
At the point Adrien was crying. "After finding out what you've been doing I was very sick and tired of you. After that day I would decided to go on with life and act like nothing happen. That it was a joke, lies. I believed you. That's when I found out I was pregnant....." Adrien felt like his heart just stopped." Now that I look at this situation I could say that no Adrien. You haven't been treating me well, at all. I'm not a bitch, but a mother who is trying to protect her unborn child from their bastard of a father." She said now sobbing. Marinette looked in his eyes to see fear, regret, anger, hurt. Marinette smiled softly.

"I know where I am too. Hiding in you father's house really? After I get out of here I will go home and pack my stuff." She said moving off the bed with the sheet putting on her clothes. When she was putting on her shirt Adrien could see the little baby bump. It was little but visible on her slim form." I can't believe I let you have me last night. Or rather let you Play with me. I bet you was with your " girl ' before this was you?" Marinette said shaking her head. "This baby doesn't deserve to grow up in a broken home, with a broken mother who still with her cheating husband. You don't deserve my heart, my mind, my love, my body. You don't deserve us. You said you will love and only me when you took my virginity. When I took yours. You said you would never touch anyone else, but me. But now I know your true colors." She said looking at him one more time. She begun to walk to the door, going to the front door. Adrien chased after her crying like a kid. "Marinette! Please don't go!" He cried getting on his knees. Marinette looked at him and smiled. "Adrien don't feel guilty. Go have your fun. I guess staying with the same person for years gets boring huh? It's ok I get it. You won't have to take responsibility anymore. I got it." Marinette said crying." I want a divorce." She said. Adrien looked up at her wide eyes. He was about to protest but Marinette caught him before he could say anything." Don't say anything Agrest." Holding up her finger. Before walking out she turned around and said " if we was gonna end up like this I should of stayed ' just a friend' to you." That was her last words before she walk out of the mansion with out looking back..

Damn. I feel like I'm gonna cry now.😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
That was very intense. But anyways like always I hope yall enjoyed this chapter and plzzz comment what other things yall want me to write about. Requests is open.
Bye my catbugs and pervs 👏


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