Im ready~ Adrienette Sin/ part 2!

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Hey guys here is the second part of the Adrienette sin. There are mistakes. Enjoy!

*3 weeks later*
*nobody's pov*

It's been a month since the incident. Luka was charge with sexual assault and sent to prison. Adrienette was only growing stronger since then. At first after the incident Marinette was still afraid to go places with other males, sometimes even Adrien. Everytime he would try to hold her hand she would freak out and freeze on sight. Also she would be scared to take a shower alone. So Adrien would have to take one with her😌, because it would be weird if her parents had to do it. They also trust Adrien, especially since he's the one who saved her from Luka. At first the showers were weird, but after about a week and a half they enjoyed showering together. Especially when Marinette give Adrien permission to touch her😏. It would be small things like Marinette asking Adrien to rub her clit or leave marks on her neck. You know little things, they never had sex yet with each other....... until one day marinette decided it was time.

*On a cold Wednesday*
Marinette's parents were gone to do some baking business so she was home all alone. So she decided to ask her kitty to come over for the rest of the week to keep her company.

*Marinette's pov*
Today I'm gonna invite my kitty over to keep me company while my parents are out of town for the rest of the week. I'm very excited to see him! I wanted to talk to him about something I've been thinking about for a while now, but it will have to wait until he gets over here.

*Nobody's pov*
About 30 minutes later Marinette heard the door bell ring. She sprinted to the door and swung the door open. "Kitty!" Marinette said while jumping on him. Adrien had a big smile on his face. They hugged for about a minute then the headed inside.

*Marinette's pov*

When me and my kitty was walking to the kitchen to grab some snacks, I couldn't help but bite my lower lip. He was wearing a red and black pokedotted shirt with some black shorts that shows off this junk if you looked down. I was looking to hard and I started to blush."princess what's wrong?" I heard my kitty say in a concern voice." I-im f-fine." I studderd. He looked at me with confusion then smiled." Why are you smiling?" I asked with a giggle." Don't think I haven't noticed what you've been wearing~" I looked at him with confusion then I looked down. I was shocked.*crap I forgot to change* I said in my mind. I was wear my black lace bra that had Kitty's kitten stiched on the front that showed off my breast very well, with a pair of booty shorts that barely covered my ass. When I looked back up at him all I could do was stare into his eyes while blushing like a maniac. Before I could tell him anything he lifted me up and sat me on the counter,and stood between my legs. At first I was stunned at his sudden action but the started blushing even more. "Hmm is my princess trying to seduce somebody today~" he purred into my left ear. I shuddered in response. Then but surely he started to rub my upper and inner thigh. I groan at the feeling of his fingers now going into the bottom of my shorts. He started to lick the crook of my neck then started to leave love marks on me. "A-adrien" I panted. "Hmm?" I sigh and started to push him off. He gave me a frightened look when I did that. "Oh my Lord Mari I'm so sorry!" He started yelling." I didn't mean to do that. I just thought you liked it" he said in a sad voice. He kept on pacing back and forth thinking that he did something wrong." Adrien..........kitty?......... ADRIEN!" I yelled at the last part. He looked at me with wide eyes. I took a deep breath and started to tell him what I wanted to talk about."Kitty you did nothing wrong, I just wanted to tell you about something I've been thinking about for the past few days. He gave me the 'ok, go on' look so I began." So I've been thinking about, um.. us taking our relationship to the next level?!" I said while blushing. He gave me a confused look, the he finally caught on what I was talking about." O-oh?" He studderd. I nodded and gave him a smile. He smiled back then walked over and got between my legs again. "So if I do this, is that ok?" He said while kissing my neck. I hummed in response. That's when his hand traveled to my hips and he tighten his grip a little while continuing to kiss you and down me neck. I groaned in pleasure. His hands started to move up my back to the hook of my bra. He looked up at me for a *ok*. I nodded my head and he started to unhook it. Once it was off his eyes went straight down to my breast. He started to blush like a mad man, while I quickly covered myself,embarrassed. He quickly moved my hands away "Don't! Your beautiful" he said in a loving tone. I smiled and giggled a little bit. That when his hands went my breast and started to massage them. I instantly shot my head back and let out a moan. He continued to massage them until I smashed my lips into his. At this time we were fighting over who will get the upper hand and this situation, but as always he won. He bit my lip, earning a groan from me in the process. After a little while he scooted me up to the edge of the counter, got down on his knees and spreaded my legs. My heart started to pick up at what he was doing. I look down to see him removing my shorts. Now I was left in my panties. "Kitty's property" he read off my panties. "Damn right!" He said in a low growl. He planted my legs on the counter and moved my panties to the side. "Hmm already wet I see princess~" he said in a lustful voice. At this point in my mind I was just wondering what he was gonna do, and boy did my answer got answered. As quick as a black cat he started to attack my womanhood with his tounge. "Oh God Chat!" I yelled in pleasure. I could feel him smirk. "Don't stop" I said while holding his head in place so he couldn't move. He kept eating me out like he haven't eaten in days, and all I could do was watch. "God your tounge is amazing kitty" I moaned. After about my fourth orgasm, he came back up to his feet and kissed me. "See how good you taste" he said in a whisper. I giggled then I noticed something." Hey that's no fair I'm fully nude and you still dressed. Take it off now!" I said with a whine. He let out a chuckle then he stood back and started to strip right in front of me until he was only in his boxers. I bit my lip looking at his bulb in his boxers. "You like what you see" he said in a cocky tone. I rolled my eyes and kept looking anyways.

*Adrien's pov*

As my princess kept staring I came up a idea and pulled my boxers off. She instantly closed her legs and looked away. I started to laugh. "What princess nothing you haven't seen before" I said still laughing. That's when her whole face changed. I tillted my head head to the side in confusion. " Baby, you alright" I said in a low husky voice. That's when she turn back to face me, stuck her finger out and signal my to come over there. I stood between her legs again and kisses her. She started to trail her finger down my stomach until she she quickly grabbed my manhood.i jumped at he sudden action the began to groan while she started to stroke it. I heard her giggle and looked at her to see her smile innocently. * Oh she freaky* I said in my mind, here I thought she knew nothing. Boy  was I wrong. That's when she letted go of my manhood, got off the counter, turned around and bended over. I shock at what she was doing. She begun to rub her wet womanhood against my manhood. I began to groan while holding her perfect sized hips to help her sway it side to side. I heard her begin to mumbled something. That's when I smack her ass causing her to jump. I heard her moan in pleasure and pain as I started to rub her perfect plump red ass cheek. That's when she took her hand and place it on my manhood and placed it at her entrance. "Here" she said in a serious tone. " Oh? Are you sure your ready. You know it's gonna hurt for a little while" I stated. "I know kitty, but I'm ready" she said sweetly while looking back at me with a smile. I nodded in response and I grabbed her hand so she could sqeeze it if needed. I put my hand on her back telling her to arch it and she did. That when I started to count down from five. "Ready?" I asked. "Yes" she replied in a soft tone. "Ok if it hurts and you want to stop just tap my hand 3 times ok princess?" She nodded in response. "Ok, 5.......4........3..........2..........1 that's went I pushed pass her folds into her womanhood. She was very tight so I had to use a little force. She started to whine in pain so I stopped my movement and rubbed her hand to let her know that I'm sorry and it will be over soon. She sigh and gave me the green light to keep on pushing. So slowly put surely I kept on going until I was fully in. "Are you fully in?" She asked in a innocent tone." "Yea, does it hurt still" I replied. She nodded her head. I said ok and to her to tell me when I can start moving."ok I'm ready. You can start moving." She said in a kinda whisper. That's when I begun to move slow and steady. The first few movements she tensed up, but then she started to let out little moans. "Hmmm kitty go faster" she moaned. I picked up my speed and that's when I earned some moans from her."Oh god kitty keep going. It feels so good~" she said between her moans. At this point I was red as a tomato cause the dirty things that was coming out my princess mouth..... and that turned me on. That's when I begun to pick up my speed some more. Soon I was pounding into her. That when my princess started to scream in pleasure. "Fuck....fuck....fuck....FUCK!." She screamed ever time I pound back into her.

*1 hour and 45 minutes later/nobody's pov*

It's been that long and their still going at it. All you could hear from mari was pants and moans, while adrien was groaning everytime marinette would close her walls around him. Marinette orgasmed for the 8th time in a hour. Adrien didnt seem to be finish with her either. He was still hard as a rock. But instead up on the counter, he had he pinned to the couch. He has her hair in one hand, while in the other is holding her hip pounding her with bruising force." "Fuck baby" Adrien groan finally reaching his peak. That's when Mari mari screamed when she squirted all over Adrien's manhood and tightened around him. Adrien instantly shot his load up in Mari and let out a loud growl. They stayed in the position for a minute until Adrien let go of Marinette's hair and hips. Mari was still in the position cause she was weak from all the orgasms she had. Her ass was still in the air while her face was buried in the pillows. Adrien suddenly pulled out of her and watched how his seed poured out of her dripping on the couch while Mari was wiggling her ass humming in satisfaction. Adrien have her plump ass a nice smack then a rub. Mari moved from her position and laid down on the couch with her legs spread signaling Adrien to come lay on her, and that he did. There position now was Adrien was laying on Mari with his head between her breast and his hands were playing with her pink nipples. Mari was playing with his hair while giggling cause her Adrien was purring. "Kitty?" Marinette said sweetly. "Yes princess" he responded. " You marked my whole body and we have school tomorrow."she whispered.


Aaand that's a wrap. I don't have really nothing to say, but I hope you enjoy the chapter. It took my awhile to write this.

Bye my catbugs and pervs.😊👋

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