Adrienette Sin!!! shot

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*Nobody Pov*

Adrien and Marinette were entering the classroom holding hands and smiling. They've been dating for two years now and still growing strong. "Babe, I want to sit with you" Adrien whined as Marinette giggled.

 "Come on then" she squeaked as she pulled him with her to her seat in the back row. As they sat down, they looked at each other and smiled.

" Hey lovebirds~" Alya said while wiggling her eyebrows. The blue-eyed girl rolled her eyes while giggling. Adrien just started to blush. That's when the teacher walked in and started class.


A while later Adrien started to feel horny, and I mean how can he not. He has a sexy girlfriend. She was wearing a blue crop top that makes it look like if she moves here breast would pop out. She also had a navy-blue skirt that stops at her mid thighs.

 Adrien could help but place his hand on her thigh. When he did that, it startled the blue-eyed girl and mad her give her boyfriend a ' what are you doing'. He smirked and moved his had up her thigh, lifting her skirt with it. Marinette begun to shift in her seat from the chills Adrien was giving her. He pulled her skirt up all the way until you could see her black lace underwear. He smirked and put his hand on her inner thigh slowly making her spread her legs. He looked up at Mari to see her reaction.

 She was looking at the teacher with a smile on her face following up with a whole lot of blushes. Adrien went back to what he was doing, and this time started rubbing her clothed clit with his middle finger earning a gasp from Mari.

 She closed her eyes and begun to open her legs more while moving her hips.

Adrien kept doing this until her wanted more. That's when he quickly but quietly moved under the table between Marinette's legs. While he was between her legs he moved her to the end of the seat, earning a squeak from his girlfriend. He moved her lace panties to the side and took a long sniff of her sent. He hummed in likening.

  * Passionfruit* he thought. Not even three seconds later he took a long lick. That caused Marinette to buck her hips.

 Adrien started to eat her out like some groceries. 


Marinette let out a quiet moan for only Adrien to hear. He smirked into her folds and started to suck her clit. Mari's hands found his hair and pulled him more into her womanhood, and he gave her what she wanted. "Oh god Adrien right there" Marinette breathed out while still looking at the teacher. That's when Adrien quickly entered a finger into her womanhood thrusting in and out.

 Marinette shrieked then quickly covered her mouth. Thank fully since she was the only one in the back row nobody heard her. While Mari kept moving her hips, Adrien quicken his pace. Marinette started to shake coming to her peak. She came while pulling on Adrien's hair earning a groan from him. While Adrien came back up to his seat while licking his lips, cleaning off his dessert. Marinette was catching her breath.

 Adrien turned her head and gave her a kiss tasting herself. "See how good you taste love" he purred into her ear. She blushed and fixed her underwear and skirt. Adrien smiled and looked back at the teacher. Mari looked at Adrien while smiling sweetly. She came close to his ear " I love you". She whispered "I love you to Mari" Adrien said while still looking at the teacher. Then they focused back to class.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand........done😊. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Also, plzzz support me and give me some requests I will love to do some. Anyways see you all later me cat bugs and pervs ✌👋


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