Homework Help~ Adrienette Sin

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"Nobody's Pov"

Marinette was having trouble with her focusing on her homework. All she could think about was her kitty/Adrien. Not even two days ago they were doing 'some stuff' while Marinette's parents were out of town. She was a whole mess just thinking about it. Right now, she was in the pjs which was a sports bra and some shorts....... without underwear on.

She had to turn in her homework that she been missing due to the Akuma attacks. She promised herself she would not anymore be distracted and be more focus on her homework for now on. And that's what she did.

Until she heard a thud from her rooftop. She groans while watching the door open and come flying in her model boyfriend. "Hi babes!" He said happily. She gave him a small smile while turning back to her homework. That's when he came behind the bluenette rubbing her shoulders. Marinette let out a long sigh.

 "Watcha doing" the blonde said picking up her homework. "Work" Mari said bluntly. The blonde was smirking to himself when he found out what she was working on. MATH!

(I. HATE. IT. SO. MUCH). Marinette knew that Adrien was the king of math so that was no problem asking him right. Marinette huffed while turning to the model.

"Baby~" Marinette said while making a cute face. Adrien chuckled. "Yes princess" he said while now rubbing the side of my neck. Mari bit her lip and point to her homework." Help". Arien chuckled while shaking his head. Mari's face drops dramatically. "C'mon kitten your usually help me why not now?" "Because babe you know what I want~" he said while letting the word want purr off his lips.

Marinette lets out a shaky breath, knowing exactly what he wanted. He wanted Marinette's tight pussy around his large member. That's when Adrien moved his hand to her neck and gave it a quick squeeze catching her off guard. "So, love bug what's it going to be" Adrien said with I smirk on his face. Marinette let out another long sigh and got out her seat so he could sit on it. She got on his lap facing away from him but towards her homework.

 She started to rotate her ass on his clothed member making him buck a little. Adrien scooted Marinette down the chair so he can take off his pants and boxers.

After that Mari sat back on his naked member feeling it poke at her clothes entrance. As Marinette sat back down Adrien stopped her making her turn around in confusion. "Put me inside of you" he growled. Marinette gulp and moved her shorts to the side. She milked his hard on member before easily sliding it into her with how slippery it was. 

She moaned out when she felt Adrien stretch her out even though they had sex Marinette started to lightly bounce on Adrien while still getting use to his size. 

"So. what's the first question?" He groans at Mari's tightness. Instead of telling him the question she let out a loud moan while coming to her first orgasm for the night.

After a few seconds of calming down, with her keeping her pace she finally told him."44(7+8x) =1/3(9x+44)8x?" She spat out, and he answered. Marinette had 15 math question left to say, but it was taking a long time to say because of the pleasure she is receiving.

About 15 mins later

"Oh, fuck Adrien!" Mari moaned. Adrien pinned her against her desk and now was jack hammering into her. He was holding Marinette's hips with extreme force. Every time their bodies would meet, it would make the desk bang against the wall. Adrien was going to hit his high until he heard something.

A phone's camera goes off

Aaaannnnd that's a wrap. Obviously, there is going to be a part two to this so be ready for that. Welp. That's all I have to say.

Bye my Cat bugs and pervs 🤩💅👋


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