I Want To Hear You! Adrienette Sin! Part 1

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Hey guys! I'm back with my next chapter, but this one is different. It has a little bit of rape, so is you don't like that kind of stuff I suggest you exit. But if not I hope you enjoy this chapter.😊👋

*Nobody's pov*

It was just a normal day for our favorite people. Well... Not really. Adrien was as usual getting attacked by his fan girls Lila, chloe, and kagami.(sorry if I spelled that wrong). While our precious Marinette was getting hit on by Luka. They still try to get with them, even though Mari and Adrien were dating🤗. Since Adrien had basketball practice and Mari had cheerleading, they planned to hook up after practice in the locker room.

*After practice*

*Mari's pov*
I was about to go see my kitty when some one called my name."Marinette!" I groan in frustration knowing who called my name. I turned around and said"yes Luka?" in a tired voice."do you want me to walk you to the locker room?" He said in a lustful voice. I shook my head no and begun to walk away to go meet my kitty. Then before I knew it Luka begun to lift me up while covering my mouth so I didn't scream. I begun to kick and wiggle. When I finally got out of his embrace, he caught my hair before I could run and pulled me right back to him. I began to cry while he was whispering in my ear what he was gonna do to me.
"My my Mari I was gonna go easy on you but now you made me mad. You have a nice body you know? Especially when you bend over, we can all see that round ass. Too bad Adrien won't be the first one to have a piece." He said in growl. That's when he started to pull me to the locker room. I felt so useless, I kept trying to fight him but everything time I did he would squeeze me tighter. As soon we made it to the locker room he shut the door and locked it. He threw me on the ground and got on top of me." Please Luka! Let me go!" "I will but after I'm done with you~" he said in excitement. He pinned my hand above my head and tied them with his belt." No please!" Stop Luka I'm begging you!" I started screaming while crying, hoping someone would hear me. That's when his hand went to my skirt and lifted it up. My eyes widened in horror when he moved my panties to the side. He started to insert a finger in my womanhood. I started crying even harder while trying to move my hips to get his finger out. I screamed when I felt pain going through my bottom half of my body. "LUKA STOP IT HURTS!" I screamed. He just stared into my fearful eyes. That's when he started to undo his pants. I begun to scream for help, until he covered my mouth with his hand, and with the other hand he continued to take off his boxers. Before he could put it in and ruin my gift for Adrien,(her virginity). The door bust open.

*Adrien pov*
I was on my way to go meet up with my princess so she can give me my surprise, and all of sudden I heard someone across the hall way screaming."LUKA STOP IT HURTS" I was shock to here that. I ran to the sound until I heard a scream. *My..... princess* I thought. That's when I was trying to open the door but it was jammed. So I transform in Chat and use a cataclysm on the lock then detransformed. Then when I bust through the door to my horror I found my princess tied up, red eyes, ripped clothes, and blood!*I'm too late!* I thought when I looked between her legs. Then I started to get angry when I saw Luka with his manhood in his hand and the other hand is on her legs keeping them open, with blood on a few fingers. That when I blew up I ran up to him and kicked him in the face. I started to punch him over and over again, not stopping. Then I picked him up by his neck and threw him."HOW FUCKING DARE YOU!" I yelled at him with a low yet loud growl. He stared in horror, then at he got up and ran like his life depended on it. I was gonna chase after him until I heard someone say my name."kitty" my sweet little angel said as she struggle to look in my eyes."oh my Lord princess"I said walking to her. I soon I was gonna touch her she flinched and made her  exposed lady areas were covered with her hands. I looked at her with tears in my eyes."D-did he" she shook her head no. I let out a sigh in relief." Then why is there blood" I asked in a whisper. She holded up her fingers and did a motion telling me exactly what he did to her. I looked at her in a worried way."I'll be right back"I said as I went to my locker.

*Mari's pov*

I was so scared and in shock. My kitty came in time and I will always be greatful (I think that how you spell it) . I watched him go to his locker to grab something. He came back with a ice pack, wipes, and extra clothes. Then he sat in front of me and gave me a gentle smile. The next thing he said made me scared. "Remove your hands" he said in a husky voice trying not to sound commanding. I looked at him in horror."oh God no princess! Not like that!" He simi yelled. I calmed down and looked at him. He put his hand on my knees while looking at me in the eyes while spreading my legs apart. We stared into each other's eyes until he looked down. He took his hand off my knees and placed them on my panties. I flinched in pain when he tried to pull the bloody panties off. He stop and looked in my eyes with concern. I gave him a weak smile telling him I'm ok and he continued to take them off looking in my eyes while he do it. Once my panties were all the way off Adrien looked back down in shock.

*Nobody's pov*

When Adrien looked down he saw multiple cuts and bruise, with blood all around her womanhood. He quickly took a wipe and begun to clean her cuts. Mari whimpered at the pain. While Adrien was cleaning her he rubbed her inner thigh telling her everything will be alright. When he did that Marinette then shuddered in pleasure. After cleaning her cuts he moved on to her womanhood. He slowly moved the wipe up and down her woman hood trying not to hurt her. While Adrien was looking down at her parts Mari blushed and bit her lip when her touched her clit. Adrien was trying so hard to to freak out. This was his first time seeing and feeling her womanhood. He couldn't help but blush when his finger went across her naked clit. After he was done cleaning her up he stared at her nice looking body and blushed so much. They both did. After all of that Adrien help Mari take her ripped uniform off. When he was done taking off her clothes his eyes scanned her body.

*Adrien's pov*

I was trying so hard not to think dirty while I'm trying to help Mari, but it's not working😶. I mean she has a sexy body! Ugh I couldn't stop looking away. Her stomach had a six pack, she had nice round boobs, and she thick!(Lol😂👌) I tried so hard not to touch her inappropriately, but she beat me to it. She grabbed my hand and placed it on her boob and looked at me with a weak smile blushing."Its fine Adrien you can touch me if you like" she said in a lustful yet innocent voice. I was still in shock, but then I started to move my hand. Her breast felt amazing it wasn't at all small but not to big. Her skin was smooth. She bit her lip trying not to let out noises. After a few minutes I handed her the clothes to put on. Finally after about 40 minutes she stood up and I stepped back. When she was putting on her clothes I  couldn't help but watched her the whole time. Call me a creep but hey she's my girlfriend.( Not just a friend)
I was staring to hard that she caught me and turned into a tomato. After that akward moment I grabbed her hand and we gather all our stuff, the walked out of the locker room to tell the principal and police what happen.

Sup guys! So if you can see there will be a second part to this. It will be out in two to three days. And in that chapter is where the jucie will start for real.
Remember I take requests and I would like y'all to comment stuff y'all would like to see in the future while I'm writing this.
Like always see ya my catbugs and pervs



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