My Little Dancer

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Sup guys! So this story is just a random idea I had. I don't even know where I got the idea to write this, but here ya'll go. There will be more parts to this little story. I hope you guys like it, also, make sure to leave comment through out the story if you guys can. I really love ya'll comments. Anywhos let's get onto the story.


This is a story where there are two worlds on one planet.

The rich and The poor.

The poor isn't really poor though. The rich just say they are poor because the have a couple of millions of dollars. The poor actually have money, they just don't show it off.

Basically the two worlds aren't that different. Sadly that's where Adrien lives, the rich world. Adrien didn't like it. He hated it, and since he was the son of the most riches man in the world he was expected to live that way.

He didn't.

Adrien had gotten a job at Chat's Shoe Store, which his farther disagreed on, but Adrien didn't care. He didn't want to live off his farther's money. He wanted to earn it like his mother taught him.

Damn, he missed her. She was everything to him. Well, her and someone else.

Ever since his mother's death, Gabriel been up his ass about getting a girlfriend. A rich one. Little did he know he already had one. Enough of this, lets start this story....

(Nobody's pov)

"Another shitty day." Adrien yawns as he walks into his bathroom to brush his teeth.

(The bathroom🙃)

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(The bathroom🙃)

"When is it not?" A little black cat grumbled, rolling his eyes. Adrien just snickered at his weird guardian angel.

All Plagg does is eat cheese and helps Adrien sneak out to see his dancer.

Oh, that dancer. She was very talented, and all his. His own private dancer.

After brushing his teeth, Adrien steps out of the restroom into his room.

After brushing his teeth, Adrien steps out of the restroom into his room

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(The room🙃)

As soon he was going to sit down on the bed, his laptop screen lights up. Adrien mentally groans as he heads to his desk.

As he got closer he noticed someone was trying to facetime him, under the name 'Little Dancer'.

His bored expression instantly changed into a toothy smile. He quickly sat down at the computer desk and pressed 'accept' on his laptop. After a few seconds, the face of a beautiful woman popped on the screen.

Man, when I mean she was beautiful, she was beautiful. She had raven/ blue hair that would shine in the moonlight. Eyes that were the color of a sapphire. Lips that were so kissable, and lets not forget those cute freckles that were plastered around her little button nose. She was just gorgeous. All his.

"Hi my little dancer." Adrien sung.

It was time like this Adrien loved. The times he get to call this master piece, his dancer, his girlfriend.

"Hi baby." The female voice responded back.

"What time does your dance start?" Every Wensday, Adrien goes to see his girlfriend preform at a strip club name Tikki's Entertament Center.

Yes, she dances, but not on a pole. She doesn't need too. She doesn't want too, but that dosen't mean that she was bad at it, because she definitely wasn't.

She only dances onto he pole for special occasions.

Which is when Adrien is there to see her. He pays extra for a private dance.

You must think 'She is gonna eventually sneak behind his back and cheat.'

No, that's not something she would do. Another thing Adrien loved about her. She was loyal. She doesn't give lap dances to other men, kisses, flirt, or even stare at other men. She feels like there was  no point of ruining  their perfect relationship. 3 years, 4 months, 12 hours, and 54 minutes they've been together. Why ruin that?

" Today it will start at 8 rather than 7:30 pm. Is that ok with you?"

"Of course, Marinette." Adrien said while smiling at the screen.

Marinette letted out a sigh of relief. She hated it when her boss changes the times.

Adrien just chuckled. She was too cute. "That's good then. Well, it's about 6:45, I need to get ready. Bye! I love you." Marinette said while giving him a little wave.

Adrien smiled back, waving. And just like that the call ended.

It was time to get ready.

(These are just some songs that I think Adrien sings when he thinks of his dancer🤓)


Annnnndddddd that's a wrap. I really hope you guys enjoyed and understand it.
The next chapter is gonna be about what happens at the club. I guess its gonna be spicy I don't know yet.

I would really like if you can vote and leave a comment for me. It makes me smile knowing that people loves my stories.

Also thank you for getting me 51.2k reads! That's crazy! Well, that's all I have to say. Seeya next chapter.
Bye my catbugs and pervs.💅🤚


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