Handsome, but annoying! Adrinette one-shot!

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Sup guys. This is going to be a one- shot with no smut. I thought I'll never see the day I have a chapter with not smut on it, but here it is. The chapter idea came from @coolkidfaithy .  Thank you human- being😂. Anyways lets get into the chapter. Also this is part 3 to Adriette sin.



(Nobody's pov)

Do you guys have that one couple that is always late? Well, this story does. It started when Adrien and Marinette woke up late, because of some 'reason'.

They took forever to get dressed and out the door, while being scowled by Marinette's parents. and lets not even get started about Gabriel.

Anyways now they were zooming through the school, praticly racing each other to get to class. They love each other but not enough to be late together. One of them has to be late.

A minute before the tardy bell rung the both successfully made it into the class, well Adrien had to dive into the classroom, because Marinette pushed him. Then they got scowled by the teacher for being almost late and Adrien acting ' inapporiate'. But only got a warning from the teacher before going to their seats.

Right when they made it to their seats, Alya being Alya turned around and  sent the crazy couple a smirk. "Well who do we have here? Adrien almost being late with Marinette. What's been going on with ya'll two? The couple both blushed  and looked back up to the teacher who was starting the lesson.

(30 minutes into the lesson)

Adrien was getting bored, Listening to the teacher talk about stuff he already learned. He wanted to go asleep, but he knew if he did that he would get into trouble. So, he did the only thing he knew he could do. Mess with Marinette.

Turning his gaze to the blunette he noticed she was focused on whatever the teacher was talking about. He started with little things, like poking her or calling her name, but that didn't work. He had to go extreme. While smirking he scooted over untill their thighs were touching.


Leaning close the blunette's ear he started.
" Hey babe." Adrien whispered.

"Yes, kitten?" She whispered back, still focused on the teacher.

" What do you call a cute door?"

" I don't know."

"Adorable." Adrien snickered. The joke made Marinette look at Adrien.

He was trying so hard not to laugh.

"That was lame." Marinette stated looking back at the teacher. Adrien didn't care about her opinion, he knew he was funny. Leaning in again eh thought about the second joke he was going to tell.


"What handsome?"

" What do you call a person without a body and a nose?"

" What ?"

"A nobody nose."

"Oh god"

"Wait I have another one! What do you call a bunch of laughing cows?"

At this point Marinette  wanted to laugh but she could get in trouble.

" What?"

" A laughing stock. Marinette snickered.

" No more Adrien I have to focused". She giggled out.

"Please bug? This one is good!" Marinette knew it was going to be corny but she still nodded her head at the blonde. He smiled before counting.

" Ok,what is Micheal Jacksons favorite place to get a drink.


"Smoothing King." Marinette couldn't hold her laugh had let it go. She was laughing so hard that she had to hold her stomach.

After laughing for what felt like minutes Marinette looked up at the teacher who was staring at her. She instantly stopped laughing when she had more than two eyes on her. He whole class was looking at her. Blushing, Marinette rose from her seat and gather her stuff.

"I-I'll just head to detention. " Her whole class chuckled while the teacher gazed at her. Before marinette could leave, she turned around and smirked at the blonde. His face fell pale.

"Miss? Adrien haven't written  down any of the note you said to write down." Marinette smirked. Before you knew it they were both heading out of the classroom.

" I hate you." Adrien grumbled. "Well that's what you get for being annoying." The blunette chuckled.


Anndd that's a wrap! I really have nothing to say but I hope you enjoyed this chapter and make sure to leave a comment and vote! I'll really love it!

Bye my catbugs and pervs.


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