Props in their proper place

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When the Thea Sisters finally made it to the academy , they found the main entrance blocked by a big red truck . The students who had left the harbor before them were busy unloading objects of strange shapes and colors . The first to meet them , with their arms full of business , were Tanya , Craig and Shen .

Tanya : Comrades , give us a paws ! We have to carry these costumes , wigs , and props inside !

Craig : Yeah , we need all the help we can get . It looks like we're going to build a whole new theater !

While the improvised , good-willed assistants disappear with their load inside the school , from the back of the truck . a friendly , smiling face emerges . Paulina was the first to recognize him .

Paulina : Hey , I think that's the new drama teacher , Robert Show !

The teacher got out of the truck with agility , and, fixing the wick that fell on his forehead .

Robert : Come on , move those paws , kids !

Soon after , coming back from her salutary little jog , appeared another new teacher , who would soon be doing the students' hearts beat to a dance rhythm , Rosalyn Plié .

Rosalyn : Hi , Show ! Good to see you again !

Robert : Hey there , Plié ! You've arrived just in the nick of time .

Robert passes her a few boxes full of costumes and stage wigs .

Rosalyn : Huh ?! What are you doing ?!

Robert : Lend me a paw , please , I have to hurry ! I just remember I left the faucet running in my room . I don't want to flood the academy on my first day !

Robert then left .

Rosalyn : That's Robert....always with his snout in the strastophere !

The Thea Sisters immediately approached Miss Plié to offer her help .

Pamela : I'm Pamela Tangu , and this is Violet Yang , Nicky Adrianson , Paulina Bernaldez and Colette Mirabeau .

Rosalyn : Thank you very much , mouselets . We still need to get settled , but it's a great pleasure to be teaching at this academy .

Violet lifted box with the help of Colette .

Violet : You're part of the new theater department , right ?

Rosalyn : Exactly ! Our department was created by Ratyshnikov . She's divided the class into three sections : one in acting , taught by Professor Show ; one in dance , which is mine ; and then-

??? : Heeey , Rosalyn !

A cheerful young woman , with hair strewn with colored locks , came towards her in the corridor .

Rosalyn : There's Professor Anna Aria , your singing teacher .

Anna : Hello !

But before the Thea Sisters had a chance to introduce themselves , deafening music filled the air , and the voice teacher found herself faced with a motley and loud whirlwind ... really loud . Vanilla and her friends (except Connie) , determined to impress the teacher , had worked all morning on a number they planned to perform in the hallway , in front of everyone .

Vanilla : Two , three , four !

In the blink of an eye , Zoe Adams and Alicia Fontaine got into position to begin their dance and song exhibition .

Pamela : I can't believe it ! This time de Vissen has really outdone herself !

Rosalyn : Um , are those mouselets your friends ?

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