History repeating itself

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The next day , the Thea Sisters team gets together to work . Colette had brought a portable stereo and played a song to her friends . The melody began with soft , melancholy accents , then became more alive . Colette watched her classmates nod their heads and beat the beat .

Colette : You like it , right ? I've loved this piece since I was little . Don't you think it would work for our audition ?

Paulina : It's beautiful , Coco !

Nicky : If we rearrange it here and there , we could make it a bit more modern !

Shen : And with lights , we can create just the right atmosphere !

Tanya : What do you say to colors inspired by summertime ?

Dina : Yes , bright , warm colors...that sounds perfect !

Violet stood up with determination .

Violet : Great ! How about a nice cup of tea to get us started ?

Pamela : Don't forget cookies and cakes , Vi ! A whole heap of 'em !

Meanwhile , a strange figure , equipped with a broom and rags , was bustling about in the hallway . This comical individual , decked out in a large apron and a green scarf , was none other than ... Zoe . Vanilla and her friends were , in fact , determined to put spades in the wheels of their rivals . While Vanilla made a mysterious phone call , Alicia looted all the dance stores on the island on her own . The most important task , however , had been given to Zoe ; go through and watch every movement of the Thea Sisters . Zoe had come closer and closer to the door behind which the Thea Sisters team were gathered , and she listened to the melody intently , trying to memorize every note . But when Violet came out to brew the herbal tea , Zoe slammed into the door .

Zoe : Ow ! Fuck !

With a fractured muzzle , she stood up and immediately fled , cursing under her breath . She had taken a risk , but her mission was accomplished . While the Vanilla Girls scheming in the shadows , the Thea Sisters team devoted themselves to preparations for the admissions audition . The teams had devised a schedule for practicing everything from role to play in the large room with mirrors reserved for Mrs. Ratyshnikov's class .

Paulina : Come on , girls ! It's our turn !

Violet suddenly heard music .

Violet : Shh ! Listen...doesn't that tune sound familiar ?

Nicky : It is ! Someone's been spying on us !

The girls and Shen rushed into the room , where a very bad surprise awaited them ; the entire Vanilla team was practicing on their tracks . Pamela was seething with rage .

Pamela : You ! Where did you get this music ?!

Vanilla : Do you like it ? We chose it for our audition , and Professor Ratyshnikov l-o-v-e-d it . She told us we'd made a fabumouse selection !

Zoe and Alicia shared a knowing look and stifled a chuckle . In a corner of the gymnasium , Vic had paused his training and was gazing at his twin sister , shaking his head ; he knew nothing of her cheating , but suspected Vanilla had once again simmered a dirty trick . Colette , the disappointment had moved to tears . Pamela , in an almost uncontrollable anger like a lioness , wanted to teach Vanilla a good lesson , wanting to beat her up . And Tanya take her Olga the soviet gun out .

Pamela : You can't do that ! This music is ours !

Tanya : That's it !

But Nicky and Paulina grabbed her and the force to calm . And Dina , she grabbed Tanya .

Nicky : Calm down , Pam !

Paulina : It's not necessary to beat up others like that !

Dina : Tanya , put your gun down , now !

Colette : Pam's right ! You can't do that !

Violet : Don't worry , Colette . We'll find another piece of music that's even better .

Dina : It's only thing we can do . We have no way to prove that they stole our music .

Paulina : But how did they find out about our song ?

Violet noticed Zoe's fractured muzzle , she thought for a moment and stood remembered the strange employee she had knocked down in the hallway a few days earlier .

Violet : Maybe...it was you , Adams ! You eavesdropping when we chose our music !

Vanilla : You don't have a shred of proof !

Shen : Come on , girls . It's not worth wasting any more time , let's go make a plan .

There was nothing more to do , and the Thea Sisters group decided to retire to the Lizard Club . The Thea Sisters , Tanya , Dina and Shen walked through the main hall in a heavy silence .... in an instant all the work done was gone up in smoke and there were only two days left until the audition !

Colette : It'll be hard to find a piece of music that's just as beautiful for our audition...

Behind , Tanya drink the little bottle of vodka . Deeply discouraged , the eight friends were about to go out . Now , at the same time , someone else was wandering miserably through the corridors ... that person was none other than Octavius de Mousus . With his mood just as dark and his face just as defeated , he was coming the other way , so suddenly he and Colette found themselves face to face . Tanya hide her beloved vodka .

Octavius : Oh , hello , students . How are you ?

Colette : Not great...We're having hard time with our audition for the new class...

Octavius : Every test presents its own challenges , but also its own opportunity to learn and grow .

Shen : But Professor Ratyshnikov's assignement is so difficult .

Violet : Yeah , it almost seems like she's making it impossible on purpose .

Octavius : Don't think that Ratyshnikov doesn't appreciate your efforts . She has overcome huge obstacles of her own...

Paulina : Do you mean the contest for the Lizard Club , mr. headmaster ?

Octavius : Ah , so you've already heard about the challenge that led to her departure .

Colette : But how did it happen ? And why ?

Octavius : Unfortunately , Ratyshnikov was right...someone sabotage her team .

Nicky : But who could have wanted to see Ratyshnikov fail ?

Octavius : Musin...Robert Musin . He was a member of my team . Musin was dead set againts the idea of a club for girls , but I didn't think he would stop to cheating . The night before the final challenge , he spread olive oil on all the athletic equipement , making it impossible to grab or catch anything . Needless to squeak , the girls's athletic exhibition was a terrible . Ratyshnikov blamed my team , and she quit the academy . I began to believe her suspicions , so I tried to find the culprit .

Violet : That'sw when you realized Robert Musin had been up to no god ?

Octavius : Yes , I found a canister of oil in Musin's bedroom closet , and he confessed .

Paulina : But Professor Ratyshnikov had already left , and you had lost touch .

Octavius : Exactly . It was only years later that I tracked her down and told her what had happened . She was glad to know the truth , but her trust in me and in Mouseford was already destroyed . and doubt she'll never , ever forgive me !

The girls and Shen watched the headmaster walk away with the same sad expression .

Colette : Guys...We've got to do something to help him !

Dina : But how ? We're already in big trouble with our audition !

Nicky : What do you say to a walk down to the docks ? We could use some fresh air and some fresh ideas !

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