Chapter 6: The Briefing

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(A/N: Let's just not talk about how long it's been since I updated.)

It had been three weeks since you and Peter started dating. They were filled with movies, cuddles, and the occasional make-out session. Not much further than that; you wanted to take things slow. Last night, you two had been watching Terminator when you both fell asleep on the couch in the living room. Being with Peter helped you sleep a lot better throughout the night. Well, unless you were woken up by your asshole teammates...

"Where are my pop tarts? Thor! I told you to stop eating my stuff!" Clint yelled from the kitchen startling both you and Peter awake. Your eyes popped open, grabbing onto the blanket covering you and Peter, "Jesus Clint! You scared the crap out of me!" you yelled, still cuddling with Peter. Clint walked behind the couch putting his hands on his hips. "Well, well...hello lovebirds. Sleep well?" You slung your head back to look at Clint, "We were until you started yelling about pop tarts." You tried to smack him in the arm, but he dodged it and laughed his way back to the kitchen.

Peter started to get up and you missed his warmth, so you tried to pull him back down. "Peteyyyyyyyy pleeeeeaasseeee. You're so warm!" He giggled and gave you a kiss, tucking you into the blanket, "I'm going to go make us some coffee, you stay warm love." As he walked into the kitchen to go make you two coffee, the rest of the Avengers came spilling through. They were extremely for sure weren't getting back to sleep.

Groaning, you got up to help Peter make the coffee. You used your powers to get the water into the coffee maker from the sink, making it easier. Everyone looked like they fell out of bed; still wearing pajamas, messy hair, and very cranky. "Please tell me someone is making coffee," Nat said as she walked into the kitchen. "Already started," you smiled at her. She mouthed a 'thank you' and plopped down onto the stool by the counter.

Thor walked in with a pop tart in his mouth, catching Clint's attention. "Seriously?!" Clint shouted gesturing towards Thor. Thor shrugged "You cannot expect me to not eat such delicious foods Pigeon. No matter how hard you try to hide them." "Pigeon? I'm not a pigeon Thor!" "You sure about that?" Nat smirked at him. Clint rolled his eyes and made a bowl of cereal. Wanda started to make some eggs and bacon for everyone, Vision did his best to help. Coffee was finished brewing and you had to make another pot to allow everyone to get a cup.

Steve and Bucky both walked in...shirtless and sweaty. You were mid-sip and nearly choked on your coffee. You will never get used to how hot everyone in this tower is. "What were you two up to exactly?" Nat said wiggling her eyebrows. "Knock it off Romanoff," Steve laughed at her suggestion. "We were training, got up early," Bucky chimed in.

Peter slung his arm over your shoulder, and you put yours around his waist and he spoke up, "It's 8 a.m. Exactly how early did you get up?" Steve walked past you to grab a cup of coffee, "Five." You shuttered at the idea, "That's so early! Bucky, be honest with me...he forced you, didn't he?" Bucky laughed, "Y/N, do you really think I'd get up that early if he didn't forcefully drag me out of bed?" You punched Steve in the arm, not that it hurt him, "Steve! Didn't anyone teach you about consent!?" Everyone laughed at your joke, knowing Steve would probably ask a girl if everything was okay every two seconds during sex. He was too much of a gentleman.

You all ate breakfast, laughing and telling jokes, Clint still pissed about his pop tarts, etc. Most of you were almost done when Bruce spoke up, "Has anyone seen Tony this morning?" Nobody had, he was probably down in his lab all night again. Well, you thought that was the case until he walked through the elevator into the kitchen, standing at the end of the table.

"Alright Avengers, Fury called and there's an urgent mission. Go clean up and meet me in the debriefing room in ten minutes." He walked back out right after. "Must be serious, he didn't make a joke once," Steve said. "We haven't had a mission in two it's urgent?" Sam spoke up.

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