Chapter 3: I finally know.

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"She wouldn't just leave without saying something." You paced back and forth in the elevator. Peter was getting dizzy watching you move back and forth in front of him. "Y/N I'm sure she's fine, and if not..." You stopped to look at him in the eyes. "If not, what? Peter, she was barely able to stand up, she can't defend herself if something goes wrong." Peter grabbed your hand and you looked down at it. "If she's in any kind of trouble she's got all the avengers to help her." You looked up at him with a half-smile.

The elevator door opened, and you rushed out into the lobby, frantically searching for Madison. With no luck, you went over to the security guard working at the door and tapped him on the shoulder. "Hi, sorry to bother you but we're looking for my friend. Have you seen her?" You pulled out your phone showing the guard a picture of you and her from her birthday last year. He took the phone and examined it. "Yeah, she left about five minutes ago with some guy; she was really out of it," He told you as he gave you your phone. You frantically asked him what the man looked like and you knew exactly who took her: the pervert from the party.

You and Peter went back up to the party which was pretty much empty besides all your co-workers. You walked around frantically, unsure what to do until an idea popped into your head. You ran over to Tony. "Hey Y/N," Tony turned to look at you, drink still in hand. You grabbed his drink and set it down. "Tony, this is an emergency, my friend is missing and I'm pretty sure she was taken by that guy that groped me earlier." Tony's eyes widened and the other avengers closed in to listen to what was going on. "I need you to get the security footage from this room, the elevator, the lobby, wherever she could've been." He looked down for a second, thinking about what he needed to do and that it would've been much easier had he been sober. "Alright kid, come with me."

You and Peter followed Tony to an office where he pulled up all the security footage from the past hour. Watching through the footage, you spotted Madison walking out of the elevator into the lobby. "There!" you pointed at the screen. You, Tony, and Peter watched the footage.

Madison had walked out of the elevator, well, more like stumbled. She sat down on a couch in the waiting area. That's when you saw the pervert from earlier sit down next to her. You grabbed onto the back of the chair Tony sat in, "Oh no..." They continued to talk for awhile until he stood up, grabbing her hand and walking out of the building.

"Tony, do you have cameras outside of the building?" You asked him. He looked back at you with an eyebrow raised. "Do you have cameras outside of the building? Of course, I have cameras outside Y/N." He turned back around and switched the camera to the front of the building. The car they got into was a red 2005 Toyota Tacoma. You sat up straight and thought for a moment. "Tony, do you think you could use one of your suits to go look for the car?" He sat for a moment then turned around to you. "I could, but there's no guarantee we'll find her." You looked at the screen for another moment, "Well...we have pretty much the entire avengers team downstairs...maybe they'll help."

Steve, Tony, Bucky, Peter, Wanda, Natasha, Clint and you searched the city for over an hour but had no luck. "Any updates?" You spoke into your earpiece. All you got was a bunch of "nopes" and "sorry, no luck yet." You and Peter were teamed up looking around for Madison. You had searched her apartment, a park, and a ton of alleyways. "Peter, what if we don't find her?" You were starting to lose hope after having no luck for so long. "Y/N, I promise you we will find her. No matter how long it takes."

You and Peter continued to walk down the street when you ran into Steve and Bucky. "Any luck?" Steve asked you. "Nope, just a bunch of littered streets and homeless people." "So, you've looked around all the usual places she'd be?" Bucky asked. You thought about it for a moment, "I think so, I mean, there's a lot of places she could be. I just...wait, how could I forget?!" Peter looked at you confused, "Forget what?" "She's always talking about this bar she loves to go to; I think it's only like a block away. She was drinking, she may have wanted to drink some more, and I'm guessing that perv wouldn't have minded her being even more out of it. Let's go."

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