Chapter 2: Party Time

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You got up out of bed to get a glass of water from the kitchen. The hall was pitch black, so you used your powers to make a little ball of fire in your hand so you could see. Once you reached the kitchen, you put out the fire and turned on the light. You were getting good at controlling fire. You grabbed a glass and held it in front of you. Pulling your other hand up, you placed it over the glass to fill it with water: it overflowed. "Shit!" You set the glass down on the counter and grabbed a towel to clean up the mess. "Language Y/N."

You knew exactly who that was. Nobody else in the tower says that other than: "Steve. What are you doing up?" You asked as you turned around to look at the super soldier. "Couldn't sleep after the mission. What about you?" "Nightmare, per usual." He looked at you with a sad expression. "I'm sorry, I wish I could help." You finished cleaning up the water and blew onto the ground to dry the rest. Air was the first element you learned to control.

"Which elements are you still having trouble with?" Steve asked as he sat down on the bar stool. "Mostly water, I thought fire would be the hardest, but I've almost got that down." When you first got hit by the storm, you expected some power like Thor's if anything, but instead you could control the elements. You leaned on the counter across from Steve, "It's strange...when I got hit, I saw the colors of the elements: fire, water, air, and earth. But then I saw black and it wasn't like the black you see when you close your eyes. There was something in it, it felt like another element." "Have you done research on a possible 5th element?" Steve questioned. You stood up to grab the glass of water, "Yes, I've been doing research for the past 3 years. There's a lot of speculations but no evidence like the other elements." You proceeded to drink your water, thinking about all the results you've seen in your research. "Which one do you think it is?" he asked you. You thought about it for a minute. "Everything in me is saying that it's...spirit. I feel like it's the only reasonable one but...why would it be black?" Steve looked down at his hands, fiddling with them, "I'm not sure, Y/N, but it definitely doesn't sound pleasant." You paused for a moment, "No, no it doesn't."

You walked over and sat on the couch to find something to watch. Steve sat next to you, "Tony is throwing a party tomorrow. You should actually come to this one." You had a tough time going to parties, the first one you were genuinely excited for was prom, and now you literally control the elements. "I don't know Steve; parties still freak me out." "Come on Y/N this will be good for you. You need to have some fun for once. Everyone is going." You scoffed, "You sound like Peter." "Well my room is right next to his, want to trade?" You laughed, knowing that Peter probably drove Steve insane. "So, will you go to the party?" Steve looked at you with puppy dog eyes. Damn it, you hated when he did that, you could never say no. "Ugh, fine I'll go." Steve smiled and patted your shoulder, leaving you to watch your Netflix Rom-com alone.


"I cannot wear that!" you screamed at Natasha as she held up the shortest dress in existence. "What's wrong with this? I love it!" Nat held up the dress admiring it. "Well if you love it so much why don't you wear it?" "Because I already have a dress." She went over to her closet and grabbed a ribbed red dress. You shuffled over to the bed and sat down, putting your head in your hands. "Nat, this is hopeless." "It is not hopeless Y/N, you just need to quit being so stubborn," she chuckled and went back searching through her stash of dresses. "Now let's find you something..." Nat's door swung open. "Sexy?" Wanda said as she closed the door behind her. "Wanda!" you curled yourself up in a ball on the bed, praying for death.

"Y/N you will look stunning in whatever Nat finds." You looked up and smiled at her, "I doubt it, but thanks." You were closest with Wanda after Peter, she helped you learn to control your powers. After making many mistakes of her own, she didn't want you to go through the same pain. Nat shuffled through a few more dresses before pulling one final one out. "Ah Hah! This is the one." You looked up and saw her holding a beautiful dress. It was silver and silk, it had a V-neck and was long with a slit on the right leg. "Oh wow, that's...stunning." You sat up and took the dress to hold in front of you in the mirror. Wanda walked up behind you, "Nat's right. That is definitely the one."

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