Chapter 4: Never Have I Ever

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It's been a few weeks since you discovered that Spirit was, in fact, the fifth element you could control. Except, it wasn't like the other elements. You continued to do research for hours every day, taking the laptop wherever you went. Everyone in the tower offered to help but you continued to research on your own. You went as far into research as possible, even calling Nick Fury asking if you could see any S.H.I.E.L.D. files that contained information on the elements. The searches kept coming up empty until you found one file deep, deep, down in the archives. It explained that Spirit is interpreted in two ways: A force that connects the other four elements and the other being that it is a type of life force. Some people would call it "chi," others calling it "souls."

You knew you could control—or at least access the life force since you were able to find Madison. You did wonder however, if you could control Spirit because of the other elements. If it connected the elements, maybe that's how you could use Spirit to your benefit: it was already part of you because of the elements.

"Y/N," Peter snapped you from your thoughts once again. You looked up from your computer to see Peter standing in your doorway. "Hey Petey, what's up?" "Dinner's ready. Everyone's on their way to the dining room." You looked at the clock, not realizing it was already seven. "Oh, right! Thanks Pete, I'll be right down." Peter left your room as you got up to put on some leggings and a nicer shirt. You were wearing an old Queen shirt that had a hole in it. Looking in the mirror, you saw your hair sticking up all over the place and decided you didn't feel like looking like Alfalfa and fixed it.

Dinner was set on the table: there were multiple meats, salads, and other sides. Your stomach growled; you hadn't eaten all day due to your research. You sat down in between Peter and Thor, Thor was already scarfing down a steak and mashed potatoes when you got there.

"Hey Thor," you patted his shoulder as you sat down. "Hello Lady Y/N." You were barely able to make out what he said due to his mouth being completely full, but it still made you smile, nonetheless. You grabbed your food and put it on your plate. You loved dinner; everyone was pretty much always happy unless a mission had gone bad. Wanda and Vision sat close together, blocking everyone's volume out. It made you happy to see them together, although it didn't help reminding you of your lack of a boyfriend or girlfriend.

You were always so shy in school and after the storm hit you, you just never got around to dating. Peter spoke up from your right "Hey, Y/N, I just wanted to tell you you look really nice tonight." You smiled up at him, it wasn't odd for him to compliment you, "Are you saying that I don't usually look nice?" you were messing with him. "No! You always look nice I just...uh..." "I'm messing with you Pete," you laughed, "You look really nice too."

Everyone was pretty much finished eating when Tony stood up with his glass in his hand, this can't be good... "So, everyone, since I have you all here and there's no missions for anyone tomorrow, I'd like to propose that we play a game." Everyone immediately looked skeptical. Tony's games usually ended up with people getting hurt or being in their underwear somehow. "Okay, since clearly none of you trust me to pick the game...Capsicle you pick." Everyone looked over to Steve expecting him to pick a board game of some sort but instead... "Never Have I Ever? I haven't played it since before I was in the ice." Pretty much everyone besides Clint looked very scared. Clint smiled and literally bounced in his seat like a child. Sam finally spoke up: "Let's just get this over with, fun." Everyone nodded in agreement and Nat grabbed her glass standing up, "I'm gonna need more wine."

You all went to the living room, you sat between Bucky and Peter. Tony began explaining the rules: "Alright so here's how it goes: whoever's turn it is has to tell the group something they've never done or just says 'Never have I ever blah blah blah.' Then whoever has done it, including the person who said it, takes a drink. Again, only if they HAVE done it. If not, you just sit there being boring. Clear enough?" Everyone understood the game and since Steve chose the game, he went first.

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