Chapter 7: Worry

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You woke up in the middle of the night, still on top of your comforter with the book you were reading sitting next to you on the bed. You reached over, grabbing your alarm clock, and checking the time. It was 2 in the morning. What had woken you?

Groaning, you got up and put on your slippers, the floor was ice cold and you kept getting shivers for some reason. You saw that the window was open, letting in the midnight breeze. Walking over, you shut the window and walked away from it.

Stopping in your tracks, you felt as though a bucket of ice-cold water had washed over you. Your whole body was shaking, and you felt a tug at your chest, almost as if someone had grabbed your shirt and pulled you toward the door. You still felt cold...and even terrified. The only other time you had felt this terrified had been when you first got your powers.

You walked towards your bedroom door, reaching out to grasp the handle but your hand was shaking so much you could barely grab it. You thought about Peter. Was he in danger? Was someone trying to hurt him? Or someone else? You didn't know what was wrong, but you knew something was wrong.

You finally gripped onto the door handle and walked into your little living far so good. It was quiet and only illuminated by the moonlight. You felt another tug at your chest and felt it leading you outside your room. You opened the door and stared into the pitch-black hallway. You created a small fireball in your hand to see where you were going. Where were you going?

You continued to walk until you stopped in front of a door. It was so dark you weren't exactly sure who's room it was, but you needed to get in the room. Someone beyond the door was in danger or hurting and you could feel it. You grabbed the door handle and let yourself inside. You were immediately hit with a familiar smell, though you couldn't place exactly why it was familiar.

The further you got inside, the colder and more terrified you felt, almost like you were getting closer to a beacon. You heard a small whimper, like someone was in pain...or being tortured. Picking up your pace, you went to the cracked door of a bedroom. You drew in a breath and opened the door, your heart pounding as you did.

What you saw wasn't as terrifying as what you were feeling. You opened the door to see Bucky asleep in his bed, shirtless and sweaty as though he had just run a mile. You walked over to the side of the bed, turning on the lamp and extinguishing your little fireball.

You looked at his face. His eyebrows were scrunched up like he was in pain, his fists curled into the sheet underneath him and the sweat all over his forehead made you realize what was wrong. He was having a nightmare, and a horrible one at that. You brought your hand above his body and felt the fear radiating off him.

Shutting your eyes, you placed your hand on his shoulder. You didn't know what was going to happen, but you were just following your instincts. You felt him jump slightly but he hadn't woken up. Opening your eyes, you glanced over to his face and watched it ease the longer you held your hand on his shoulder. You even felt yourself slowly feeling more at ease. The cold feeling had gone away, and the shaking had stopped.

The moment you felt calm once again, you let out a small breath and shut your eyes in relief. You were startled when you felt a hand on top of your own. When you opened your eyes, you noticed Bucky had woken up. He had grasped your hand in his and he was looking up at you.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up," you spoke softly, getting used to your own voice, having not used it for hours. He sat up, your hands disconnecting, "What are you doing in here?" You clasped your hands together, fidgeting with your fingers, looking for an answer but you couldn't seem to find a good one.

"Well, uh...I'm not sure honestly," you continued fidgeting with your fingers as he patted the edge of the bed for you to sit down. You looked at the spot for a moment before sitting down and beginning. "I had woken up out of nowhere and I had felt this horrible feeling. I felt ice-cold and I was shaking. I felt completely terrified for no reason."

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