Chapter 5: Give It a Try

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You woke up at 8 a.m. to your alarm clock. You wanted nothing more than to sleep in just a little bit longer, but you promised Sam last week that you would train with him every Monday morning. You already trained with Wanda every other day because she wanted to help you control your powers; but Sam wanted to make sure you could kick someone's ass without using the elements.

You crawled out of bed towards the bathroom resting under the hot stream of water. You must have been in there a long time because you heard someone knocking on the bathroom door. "Who is it?" you spat some water out of your mouth. "It's Steve, Sam wanted me to come check to see if you're still coming to training." "Yeah, sorry I got distracted, I'll be down in a few." You heard him leave your room and you finished up the shower.

You couldn't stop thinking about last night with Peter, you felt so strange. It felt so right in the moment but now you weren't so sure. You were worried about it ruining your friendship, but it was worth a shot. Right?

You walked down to the gym and saw Sam lifting weights by Steve. "Hey Sammy!" you yelled to him. "Hey Y/N, ready to learn how to beat some ass?" he smirked and stood up to walk over to the wrestling mat. You followed him over and he helped you put on some boxing gloves. "We're just going to do some basics right now then get into some more...intense fighting." You nodded your head and walked to the middle of the mat with Sam getting ready to learn some moves.

"Y/N remember: Absolutely no powers. Got it?" "Yes, Sam I got it, don't worry." Looking around the room, you noticed Peter wasn't there. "Sam?" "Hm?" "Have you seen Peter this morning?" Sam shook his head, "I think he's still in bed, why?" "Oh, no reason, just wondering." You sparred for about an hour with Sam, you usually getting hit in the face when you failed to block him. After awhile you got a little better and picked up how to avoid getting punched in the face.

"Okay, water break." You and Sam took of your gloves and went to grab your water. Not realizing how dehydrated you were, you practically inhaled the water. As you were finishing your water Nat, Wanda and Bucky walked in. Bucky avoided your gaze, walking past you and Sam to work out with Steve. It felt so awkward now; maybe you should have stayed in bed...

"Hey Y/N," Wanda spoke up. You were unintentionally watching Bucky as he lifted weights with Steve. Was he always that muscular? "Earth to Y/N!" Natasha waved her hand in front of your face. "Sorry! what's up?" you whipped your head back to Nat and Wanda; Sam was finishing his water. "Were you just watching Barnes?" Nat said with a smirk on her face. "No! Well...yes...he has very nice...form," you said that more as a question than a statement. Wanda laughed "I'm sure he does." You raised an eyebrow at her, and she winked.

"Y/N let's get back to sparring," Sam spoke up from behind you. "On my way!" you glared at your smirking besties and went back to the mat with Sam. "Okay so I'm going to show you a takedown technique, it's the usual thing you'll see in wrestling but it can come in handy. I want you to get on all fours, I am going to grab you and you're going to bring me down, so you have the upper hand."

It seemed pretty straight forward, so you did exactly as Sam said, bringing him down until you had him pinned beneath you. "Good job Y/N!" Wanda yelled behind you, clapping her hands. You smiled up at her, which was a big mistake. Taking advantage of your distraction, Sam flipped you over until you were in his previous position. "Shit! What was that?!" you shouted at Sam. "Never, ever... get distracted Y/N." Your head hit the edge of the mat in a sigh of defeat and you noticed Bucky had stopped weightlifting and focused on you and Sam.

Sam helped you up and gave you a pat on the back. It was all for nothing because out of nowhere there was a gush of wind that zipped past you and knocked both you and Sam onto your asses. "What the hell was that?" you panted, still knocked over onto the mat.

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