Nine years later

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Nine years later

Harry's POV

It's Alex's 10th birthday tomorrow, or rather, me and Alex's, though nobody remembered it was mine too, well, besides Padfoot, Uncle Moony and Anguis that is. Not even Lily or James noticed, though I'm not surprised. And if you're wondering why I called them by their names and not mom and dad, well, you'll find out. You see... isn't that a nice way to start a sad story, because that's what I'm about to tell you, a sad story. After Dumbledore declared Alex as the boy who lived things instantly went downhill for me.

For starters, since Voldemort, I don't see him as the Dark Lord, and won't until I have a conversation with him, was 'defeated' by my brother, which I know is wrong, I was the one to defeat him, we moved back into the Potter manor. Now as infants the only difference was that Alex was always served first and that they would spend more time playing with him then with me, which I didn't really mind, but after me and Alex had been old enough to eat and go to the bathroom by ourselves, which was around 4 or 5 years old, things started to change based on how they treated me. To put it blankly, they started to... forget about me, or not want me around at least.

At first it was James forgetting to tuck me in at night or Lily forgetting to call me down to meals, but then it escalated to forgetting to get me a plate of food and not calling me down when they had company. I had to learn to walk, read, and cook on my own, since the house elves were too busy with Alex making a mess everywhere and I didn't want to disturb them, they didn't mind me in the kitchen anyway so it didn't really matter.

I remember when I took my first steps when I was two, it wasn't towards mommy and daddy, they weren't even around, it was to Uncle Moony. Alex didn't start walking till he was four. When I did my first act of accidental magic, when I was three, which was very young for any wizard to even experience magic, it was because Alex had pushed me down the stairs and I had a broken arm, I had healed it just by looking at it. I also taught myself to talk, though I hardly ever did, why talk if nobody is around to hear you. I was about three when I said my first word, which was 'Padfot' if I remember correctly, and yes I know I shouldn't remember three year old me, but I have an eidetic memory, meaning I remember everything I see. This also means that I know I am the true boy who lived, but I don't say anything because I know nobody will believe me.

Anyway, I don't really mind not having James and Lily around much, I actually quite enjoy it... well... sort of. Every now and then Alex will break something or do something bad and blame it on me, which causes me to get yelled at for. I always say how I didn't do it and that Alex did but that resolves into me getting slapped in the cheek or getting a kick in the stomach for 'lying' and 'blaming my brother for my actions'. Some might say that I should just say I did it, but it would end the same, with me getting hit. That was the reason Uncle Moony and Padfoot got banned from entering the wards around the Potter manor, because they yelled at James for being a bad parent after they saw James hit me.

Sirius and Remes were the only people who really talked to me, besides Lily and James when I 'broke' something, and the elves whenever I needed something, so I considered going mute, but then, I met Anguis... my snake familiar.

Flash back

Harry's POV still

It was my 'sweet' brother's 7th birthday and I was in the library reading a book on magical creatures and their diets, when I heard talking from the isle of books next to the one I was in. I felt a pull towards whatever it was so I listened to what it was saying.

"Pesky humans, think they can come waltzing onto my territory and kick me out. Lazy scum bags." I heard it say. I walked over there to see a baby snake on the ground slithering towards me. It was black with red eyes and it was about one in a half feet long. "If I wasn't so young I would've killed that young boy who was nibbling on the cake." The snake said, before stopping right in front of me. By what the snake said I knew it was talking about Alex. When we made eye contact the pull I felt was more intense. We stare at each other for a second before the snake talks again. "Master?" It asks. I look at the snake confused.

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