Trip to Knockturn Alley

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The next morning

Harry's POV

I woke up and instantly jumped out of bed. Ignoring the horrific pain in my chest and a startled, but mad, Anguis. I zoom to the bathroom, which for some reason has a clock in it, while my room didn't. '8:20' it read. Alex never got up before 9:00, and I could bet that he, along with James and Lily, were going to Diagon Alley today as well, but would never wake up Alex for something like that. So they would probably get there at around 10:00, at earliest, if I were to guess. If I left within 20 minutes I could get there by 8:45 and have a little more than an hour to get all of my shopping done, or at least the shopping I knew Lily and James wouldn't approve of.

I got undressed and got into the shower. I took a 10 or so minute shower, washing my hair and body, trying to leave my cuts and bruises alone, before getting out and drying off. When I came back into my room Anguis had fallen back asleep. I walked over to my dresser and transfigured a torn shirt into a black cloak, which I wore over a dirty shirt and the nicest looking dress pants I could find. It wasn't much, but it would do. I made a mental note to get some clothes while out before walking over to Anguis to wake her up.

"Anguis, it's time to wake up. It's time to go to Diagon alley... maybe even Knockturn alley." As soon as I mentioned Knockturn Alley Anguis shot her head up and slithered onto my shoulder and hid in my hair. I hadn't cut my hair in a year or so, so it was somewhat long, down to my mid-spine. I put a glamor on Anguis so only I could see her before apparted to Diagon alley, more specifically, in front of Gringotts. I wrap my cloak around my torso, though I keep my head exposed, and walk in. I walk through the front doors and start to head towards Griphook as I look around, nothing has changed. Even though it was Wednesday, it was busier then it was when I was last here, which was about a year ago. I walk up to Griphook and stand there patiently for him to see me, and once he did I spoke.

"I am here to grab some money from my family vault, I would like to speek to Stingcloth about the matter." I said in gobbledegook. Griphook glared at me for a second, probably not remembering who I was, but when it clicked he gave me a small grin.

"You can go in, I assume you know where Stingcloths office is." Griphook said, in gobbledegook. I nod and go down the hall behind his desk. I went down the hall until I got to the doors that said 'Stingcloth' on them. I let out a sigh before knocking on the door. I didn't know whether goblins knocked or just barged in, but I was a pureblood, I needed to act like one, which means manners. I stood there for a second before I heard a muffled 'come in' from behind the door. I look at Anguis, as if asking her if I should go in or not, but she just looks at me and noded. I sigh again and grab the door handle before going in.

I open the door to see Stingcloth sitting at his desk, looking at a scroll, which probably has records of his clients' money funds. I took a step in and as soon as I shut the door Stingcloth, who started to roll up the scroll he was looking at, spoke.

"I was wondering how long until at least one of the Potters showed up to take money from the Potter vault for Hogwarts shopping. You can take the glamor that is placed upon your snake off, I can sense her presence." He said. He sounded way more mature then when I saw him just over a year ago, then again goblins do age twice as fast as humans do. I did what he said and took the glamor off of Anguis, which she was very skeptical about. "Come, sit down." Stingcloth said, gesturing to the chair in front of his desk. I walk over and sit down, letting Anguis sit in my lap once I'm seated. "So, what brings you here? Money for Hogwarts I presume." He said. I nod.

"Yes, I do need money for Hogwarts, as I got my letter yesterday, but I was hoping to get a money collecting pouch instead of going to the Potter vault."

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