A Creature Inheritance

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The next morning

Harry's POV

I woke up in darkness, but also warmth. I was confused at first, but then I felt a slight weight on my back and something strange from my lower back. I sat up and suddenly I can see everything. I was confused at first but then I saw the wings that used to be covering my eyes. I jump up and scurry to my private bathroom. When I got in there I shut the door, though nobody was going to disturb me, no doubt, and looked at myself in the mirror.

I was shorter, going from 4.4 to 4.2 (Remember he just turned 10, like today is his birthday, and the average height for a male 10 year old is 4.5, though he would be shorter since he just turned 11) and I had curves. Not as much as a typical woman like Lily, but more than a typical male would have, and they weren't the most noticeable, but no doubt they would pop more as I got older. I also had softer looking hair and a more button nose. Oh, and let's not forget the giant black wings on my back. The wings were like angel wings, but black. They were barely hovering over the ground as they sat on my back. I also had a tail, which was also black. I was confused, didn't angels usually have white wings and tail? (also, in this angels have wings, a halo, though creature inheritance don't give them a halo, and a tail. The tail is like a unicorn tail, and not one like a horse... I'll show you at the end of the chapter) I shrugged, I would go to Gringotts later today to find out why.

I took a shower and washed my hair, it did, indeed, get softer than I remembered, or maybe it was that I hadn't washed my hair within a few days. When I was done I got out and put on some black dress pants, since those were the only pants I had that would fit me, with me being two inches shorter, and put on a white t-shirt. After I was done changing, which was hard because I had to make holes for my tail and wings, Anguis finally woke up.

"Wow master, you look great. Those wings and tail really go with your hair, though why are they black?" He asked. I walked over to him and held my arm out for him to climb on. As he went up my arm and around my neck I explained my plans for the day.

"I don't know. I plan on going to Gringotts today to find out. Right now I was thinking we go down stairs and see what James and Lily think, now hold still while I put a glamor on you." I say as I put a glamor on Anguis so he turns invisible to everybody but me, again, another spell I improvised.

I headed down to the family lounge, a little surprised I still knew where it was, which was a little bit of a walking distance, so I started to think as I walked. I don't know why I want to see what Lily and James reaction to my inheritance. I mean they would find out eventually, but why did I want to show them? I already admitted to myself that they will never care about me as much as they do Alex, but I guess a part of me still wanted to impress them, or at least want their approval.

I turned the corner and met the door to the family lounge. I don't know how I knew James and Lily were going to be in here, but I had a feeling they were, along with Alex. I opened the door and was shocked at what I saw, though definitely not as surprised as everybody else would've been. Alex was about 4.6 with slight muscles for a 10 year old, while I had almost none, and he had wings and a tail like mine, but they were white, like they were supposed to be. When I opened the door all attention went to me, by the look on Lily and James face's, they didn't realize who I was for a second, but once they realized it was their other 'son' their faces were pure shock and staring at my wings and tail, for a second I was scared they could see Anguis, but I knew they couldn't. I looked at Alex and he glared at me, giving me a glare that could kill if it could, though it was one of those jealous kill you glares. He was clearly mad that I was taking attention from him, which I hadn't done in years. After a few seconds of them glaring at me Lily turned to James and pointed at me.

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