'Hello, I'm Tom Riddle'

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One month later

Harry's POV

A month passes faster than I expected, though I was happy it did. My robes and wand came in the day after my trip to Diagon alley and I've been spending all my time cleaning, reorganizing, and decorating the compartments in my trunk. It amazed me how James, Lily, and Alex didn't find out about the compartments in my trunk yet, as every day James would come in my room and yell at me for for 'breaking Alex's broom' or 'making too much noise' and would beat me for hours, with Lily and Alex in my doorway, smiling at the sight. If they aren't beating me, then they ignore me, which gives me time to clean my trunk. The very few times I was out of my compartment was when I slept and ate, or when James, Lily, or Alex were in a 6 yard radius of my room. Other then that I spent all my time in my trunk, I had asked to borrow some of the cleaning supplies from the house elves so I could clean each room.

I was in the flu room, two hours before the train took off, getting ready to flu to platform 9 ¾. My brother wasn't up yet, or maybe he was, I wasn't sure, and even if he was up, it would've been less then ten minutes ago. I was making sure I had everything to go before picking up my trunk, which had all my stuff in it, along with Anguis who was in one of the corners in my trunks library that she claimed as hers, and headed to the fireplace. I grabbed a handful of flu powder and and threw it down as I said "Platform 9 ¾!"

Next thing I know, I'm in the train station with the Hogwarts Express to my right. Th station looked deserted, but in a clean way, though I expected such since I was at the station two hours early. I walked out of the fireplace and just kind of stood there for about ten minutes, until I saw what looked like the train driver walking to the front of the train with a donut in his hand. Once he got on the doors to the train compartments, which were previously closed, opened up, practically luring me to the train so I could get my seat. I went on the train and started walking towards the back. I had a high feeling that Alex was going to sit as close to the front as he could so that anybody that passed his compartment could see the 'amazing boy-who-lived', and that most of the Slytherins, since they were discriminate the most out of the four houses, sat in the back of the train, declaring it as their own, so that's exactly where I went. After about a 5 minute walk I got to the second to the second to last compartment, not going into the last one because there was a note on the door, as did a few other compartments, that said that it was reserved for so and so, and that if I were to sit there, I would get hexed all the way to Hogwarts, which I'd rather not happen to me, thank you. They were probably put there by the students themselves, evidenced by the messy handwriting on the notes, claiming a compartment as their own, and the staff on the train probably didn't care enough to get rid of the notes, and only to do their job to the minimum, aka simply dust and vacuum the compartments and isle.

I walked into the compartment and put my trunk on the rack about the seats, which was kind of a struggle since I was short, woppigng in at about 4"6. Once I finally got my trunk on the rack I sat down next to the window and took the glamor off of myself. I had a black eye and a red hand print on my left cheek from about two or so days ago. Apparently Alex was having a bad day and decided to throw a plate at me, which landed and broke right in front of me. James and Lily heard the commotion and ran in, obviously only worried about their poor Alex, and when Lily saw the broken plate right in front of me, she stormed right over to me and slapped me, later that day Alex punched my eye and James locked me in my room, after kicking my rib cage repeatedly, breaking a rib or two. But that wasn't as bad as other things James would do to me, I have to whip marks on my back to prove it.

I had a feeling that I wouldn't get interrupted for the train ride to Hogwarts, being at the back of the train in an extremely dusty compartment alone with a beat up face, so I decided to grab the old leather book from my trunk and do some reading. I got my trunk down, which came down with enought force that could've squished me, and got the book out, before putting my trunk on the seat next to me, rather then on the rack above me. I leaned against the window and put my feet on the seat, getting into a comfortable reading position, before wrapping Voldemorts cloak around me, because there was no way I was going to leave it at the manor alone with Lily and James, and opened the book.

I don't know what I was expecting, but definitely not a blank book. The front of the book made it look hand made, like a diary or something, and diary's usually have, you know, words in them. I sat there for a second, flipping through the pages trying to find any kind of writing or ink on the pages, but in the end I found none. Maybe I could use this as my own journal, for potions or something. I got a feather that was chanted to never run out of ink out of my trunk and flipped the book to the first page.

'Hello' I wrote, planning on writing a small entry or what this journal was going to be used for, and who was using it, but as soon as I raised my pen from writing the o, the words disappeared, and in it's place new words emerged.

'Hello, I'm Tom Riddle'

Word Count:1068

Alright, not the most words I've ever put into a chapter, but it's something. I would make this chapter longer, adding their conversation, but I though this was a good cliffhanger to leave y'all on, and don't worry, the next chapter will have what they talk about and more. It will definitally be longer, anyways byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

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