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Harry's POV

I walked into the room and shut the door behind me. Inside I see a goblin who is going through a drawer in his desk. He was short, like any goblin, but he had brown hair instead of some of the other goblins, who had grey hair. He also had longer ears and was in a dress shirt, tie, and trousers. He looked at me for a second before closing his drawer and inter-winding his fingers on his desk.

"What did you need?" Stingcloth asked in an oddly polite way, most goblins were rude and mean. I looked at him for a second before speaking.

"I am Harry Potter and am here with Lord James Potter, Heir Alex Potter, and Lily Potter to get creature inheritances tests for both me and my brother, Alex Potter. While the rest of my family got distracted signing autographs and taking photos outside Gringotts, I was hoping to skip the attention and wait in here for them to come in, if that's ok." I said in gobbledegook, which was flawless and polite. Stingcloth raised an eyebrow, obviously interested and confused on how I knew gobbledegook so well, but, nonetheless, he made four chairs come to the front of his desk, and gestured to me to sit down in one of them. I smiled as I sat down with perfect posture. I am a pureblood after all, I should act like one. Stingcloth went back to his work, but instead of going through his drawers he grabbed a file and started to skim through it.

"If I may ask, how do you know goblin language so well, at such a young age too?" Stingcloth asked, in gobbledegook, still skimming over the file in his hands.

"I didn't, and still don't, like having attention on me, so whenever reporters or guest would come over because my parents were hosting a party, I would stay in the library, and because people would come over so often, I had a lot of time to go through the Potter library. I've read almost every books three times, and there were a few old books on magical creature languages, so I learned how to speak gobbledegook, along with a few other magical creature languages." I answered, which wasn't a full lie, but it wasn't exactly the truth. I never attended the parties and never came down when reporters were over because James and Lily wouldn't allow me. If I did come down, even for a snack, they would beat me after the guest left. Stingcloth looked up from the file, looked me in the eyes for a second, before nodding and going back to his file he was reading.

After a few minutes James, Lily, and Alex finally came in and I could instantly tell that Lily was not happy I ran off to wait in here for them.

"Ah, welcome Lord Potter, Heir Potter, and Lady Potter. Young Potter has told me why you are here, I will be a moment, I must receive the papers." Stingcloth said, I couldn't tell if he was happy they were here or if he was faking it. He stood up from his desk and turned round to some more file cabinets and started looking for the creature inheritance forms. Lily, James, and Alex sat down as Stingcloth was getting the papers, James next to me and Alex between Lily and James. I swear I could hear James mumble 'if the boy told him why were here, you would think he'd be ready' as he sat down.

I guess Stingcloth heard his comment because his ears lowered slightly, I would be surprised if it weren't for Stingcloth looking so young, maybe only a few hundred years old, while most of the other goblins were more in their thousands, with Stingcloth being at such a young age for a goblin, a comment like that would be more effective towards him than an older goblin, who were use to such critisysm. I was also kind of shocked that James would say a thing like that. Goblins are very clever creatures, some more intelligent than wizards, and are a race of creatures you don't want to mess with. Insulting a goblin is like insulting Salazar Slytherin to his face, then spitting at him. Plus, James is a pureblood, not one of the most ancient and noble houses, but a pureblood who comes form a family that has lived for many generations, 12 I believe, you would think he would want to being honor to our family, but I guess it's all up to me,since Alex is too busy kissing the foreheads of random wizard babies to learn how to hold a wand properly, like seariously, I have never used a wand in my life and even I know he isn't holding it straight forward and with a strong enough grip to survive an 'Expelliarmus' charm.

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