A beating with a hint of a letter

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One year later

Harry's POV

I was laying on my floor, bleeding out. It hurt, I've gotten hit, kicked, punched, slapped, all of it before, but it still hurt. All I did was go down stairs to get food, since I hadn't eaten in days, but of course Alex caught me, and ratted me out to James, who took it upon himself to 'punish' me, like he does every time I don't do what they say. If you don't know what I'm talking about, let me explain.

After we got back from Gringotts about a year ago, I started to get 'punished', or how I like to call it, abused, for the smallest things. Things like walking around at night or for being seen during the day would end up with me getting locked up in my room for hours, if not days. I had to teach myself to apparat a month or so after my birthday because I would get locked up for so long without water or food that I was certain they had forgotten I was locked in my room. Don't get me wrong, I could've casted an Alohomora spell on the door, but James, or at least Lily, would've found out so I stuck to apparating since it was quieter.

Speaking of Lily, she didn't do much, she never hit me like James, and sometimes even Alex, did. She would watch sometimes though, smiling at her 'son' being beat by his 'father' and 'son'. She would be the one to find me out of my room. She had even put wards up in the library so only wizards with light core's could get in, stating that I didn't need to learn any dark spells, even though I had already read each and every book in there at least twice, and none of them had anything remotely close to dark magic in them. She also commanded the elves to tell her whenever they saw me outside my room and if not then they would get... hurt.

It was never a pretty sight, I once saw Vicky, one of the head house elves, after she got punished for letting me get away with getting a bottle of water and some fruit. Let's just say she barely survived. I wasn't going too good either. My skin was littered with cuts and bruises. They would never use magic to abuse me, since it was considered dark magic, so they would abuse me the muggle way... you know, with whips and knives. They would carve things into my arms and back, words like 'faggot', 'freak', 'fat', 'ugly', 'useless', a lot of words that start with f and u. As a matter of fact that's what I had just gone through. James decided to reopen an old scar and rewrite 'fat' and 'fat-ass' on my stomach, which was already skin and bones.

As I was laying there I saw Anguis slither from her hiding spot, which was a hole in the wall that was hidden under my bed, and slither towards me. I knew she hated seeing me in this, in so much pain. We both knew that I could easily take them when it came to magic, but I was a submissive, one who hasn't yet met their mate, and without him I was too vulnerable, as I was now.

"Master, are you ok?" Anguis asked. I started to get up, not answering Anguis because I stopped talking a few months ago in general, even to her, but winced when my bleeding skin grinded together as I sat up. I stayed in my half sitting up position until I had the strength to sit up all the way. After a minute I stood up and limped over to my bed, as soon as it was right in front of me I collapsed right on the spot. It felt like salt was grinding against my open cuts, and the fact that my bed was harder than rocks didn't really help. Anguis slithered over to me quickly. "Master you have to be more careful, if you don't take care of your cuts they could get infected." She stated. I look at her for a second before sitting back up on my bed and snapping my fingers, summoning some gauze and some healing potions I made. I chug down a blood regenerating potion as well as a healing potion before wrapping my stomach in gauze.

After I finish I lay down and wrap my wings around myself. I would use my blanket I had but either way, I would be cold without my mates warmth, plus my blanket had dry blood and holes in it, and I could never get a new blanket because... well... my 'parents'. I laid there as Anguis came over and layed on one of my wings before curling up and falling asleep. It usually took me a long time to fall asleep, since I had to find a comfy position which was hard since I had cuts and bruises all over my body and was cold no matter how I slept. My mate was the only reason I didn't try and lock up my feelings, or make a potion to get rid of them, whether it momentarily or permanently. The though that there was someone out there who was meant to love me for who I was gave me the little hope I needed to not try and kill myself emotionally. It had been years since I had felt love, if it weren't for my memories of Lily and James caring for me, I would've said I forgot how it felt to be loved, or I guess I did, since it's only my brain that remembers it, and my brain doesn't give me my feelings, that's my heart's job.

I didn't realize I was about to fall asleep until I heard banging at my window. I slowly take Anguis off my wing and limp over to my window, when I open it I see a beautiful barn owl with a parchment on its foot. I take the parchment and read it. (I'm lazy and am not going to write the letter out, so if you all want to know what the letter says find another fanfic) My Hogwarts letter! I was so excited, this was my chance to step out of my brother's shadow, to show the world what I was made of, maybe even meet my mate! I was practically jumping off the walls when I realized something. You only get your letter on your 11th birthday. Which meant... today was my birthday. I stood there for a second before walking over to Anguis and sitting down on the bed next to where she sat.

"Soon, Anguis, we'll get our revenge on those Potters for ever mistreating me, but first, we have to do a little shopping and wait a little longer." I said while petting her, which she nudges into. My voice was raspy and dry sounding, no surprise there, since that was the first time I've spoken in weeks.

Word Count: 1175

I AM SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SOOOOOOOOOO SORRY I DIDN'T POST THIS YESTERDAY LIKE I SAID, I WAS BUSYYYYYYYYY. I need to stop making promises I can't keep, a.k.a any that involve me doing things by or in the future. Anyway, this chapter is relatively short, but the next one will definitely be longer. Now, I am going to give myself a little bit more time and say that next chapter will be posted this weekend. I started in person school again yesterday for the first time since November, so I couldn't just work on this while I was in a meeting or suppose to be doing school work.

Also, I changed Anguis's gender. Originally Anguis was a male, but now that I think about it, Anguis sounds more like a feminine name then a masculine name, plus I want to add a joke later on that Anguis needs to be a female for (I hope that doesn't give too much away). Anyway byeeeeeeeeeee.

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