B.A.P Zelo - Too Late (angst)

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Annyeonghaesayo!! This one shot is made by 12EXO7BTS so if you liked this, please check out my account!! This is my first angst so I hope you enjoy it!!^^


I walk through the busy streets of Seoul but all the noise sounded so muffled, my head spins round and round and my sight blurs. I try my best to keep my posture and walk as normal as I could back to my apartment.

I finally made it and I turned the cold metal door knob. I see my boyfriend , Zelo, laying on the sofa peacefully. I walk over to him, forgetting about my headache and nausea. I move his hair away from his face and just stared.

I was about to stroke his cheek but he grabbed my hand with his eyes still closed. He harshly pushed me away and I stumbled back, luckily I didn't fall.

"What are you doing?" he asked coldly. He was now sitting straight up and was looking at me with such cold eyes.

"I-I.....was moving the.....hair....out of your face..... I'm sorry...I bothered you." I said and bowed my head a little. I heard him sigh in a frustrated way and I started to tear up.

What did I ever do to make him like this?! He used to be so kind and caring but he is the total opposite now. The sweet kisses. The warm hugs. The blissful feeling of just being near each other. It's all gone now.

His phone that was on the table vibrated so I picked it up but he immediately took it away from me like he was hiding something.

He checked his phone and his eyes sparked. A small smile appeared on his face.

He got up and grabbed his jacket off the hook and slammed the door closed before I could even say anything.

A single tear slipped down my face. I wiped my face with my sleeves and got out my phone.

I call my best friend that I trusted the most.

"Hello?" her voice asked. I smiled a little just by hearing her voice. The voice that has been there for me during the bad times.

"Soojin?" my voice trembled. Tears started to form in my eyes. I told her everything and she listened attentively. I was so lucky to have her.

"What is wrong with him? He used to be so nice!!" she shouted. I sniffled and nodded my head even though I knew she couldn't see me.

"I know......Soojin, I will hang up now. I need to do something." I said and we bid goodbye before hanging up. I wiped my tears away and went out to get a breather.

I walk outside and the scene in front of me crushed me.

Zelo was there kissing another girl right in front of our apartment.

I stayed frozen there until Zelo finally noticed someone was there. His eyes widened when he saw me at first but he soon started to smirk.

"Oppa, who is she?" the girl he was kissing asked in a squeaky voice.

"Oh, her? She's no one. She's just my maid." he said. My heart shattered.

He pushed me aside harshly and opened the door to our room. He let the girl in and before closing the door on me, he glared at me. He slammed the door shut.

I fall to the floor with tears streaming down my face continuously.

I get up and just walk aimlessly to who knows where. I don't know where I'm going but I just wanted to be as far away from him as possible but a huge pain was felt in my head.

I grab onto my head and clutch onto it but I just let it. I wanted to feel the pain in my head than the pain that was felt in my heart. I keep walking until I suddenly collapsed to the floor. Last things I heard was the sound of voices calling out to me, asking me if I'm alright. Then everything just went blurred and I felt completely numb.

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