EXO Kris - Truth ( fluffy )

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Ayo! Sorry for the long waits! I hope you readers didn't get angry at us. We will be updating a lot this week so I hope you enjoy our short stories of random idols that we all love! Okay! Enough of me! Enjoy!

This is dedicated to kpoplover170! I hope you enjoy this story!


Lee Nah's P.O.V


"I know you are lying to me. You're not like this." I whisper so only he
and I can hear. He glares at me.

"What? You think you know me? Well, news flash honey. You don't! Stop acting like you do. What do you want me to do to make you leave?" he asks.

I was about to say something but I felt his lips touch mine. I was so shocked by the sudden action, I was frozen in place until I finally got what was going on. I push him away and slap him again.

He looked hurt at first but it was replaced by the same cold mask.

"There. That's what you wanted right? A 'good-bye kiss.' Now go away." He waves his hand, signaling me to leave.

End of Dream

My head fell a little so I quickly open my eyes and straighten from shock. I look around and saw that we were still in the airplane. I look to my right to see him. Hongbin. I gave out a little sigh of relief and smile.

I'm happy that it was just a dream. I've been having nightmares of how Kris left me.

When he left, I was just heartbroken. I kept having nightmares and would always avoid sleeping so I don't get reminded of him. I would go out at random times and walked to random places that would be quiet.

I stop daydreaming and face reality.

I look back at Hongbin. He was sleeping so peacefully. I giggle at how cute he was. He was holding a pink blanket with birds on it. The one that he shares with N.

I was interrupted by the intercom.

"Please get ready. We arrived at China airport." the intercom boomed causing Hongbin to wake up. His eyes were slightly open and his lips were ajar. He looks around and rubs his left eye.

"Morning~." I teased. He yawned in response. I giggle at how adorable he is.

"We're here already?" He asked. I look at him with a 'duh' face.

"Of course. The flight from South Korea to China is only 1 hour and 27 minutes." He raised his hands in surrender.

"Okay, okay. Calm down. I was just asking, Jagi." I look at him and just nod.


We completely landed now.

Once I stood up, I stretched. I walk out with Hongbin and we get our luggages.

We were here to see my best friend's first concert in China. He's from a band called BTS and his name is Jimin.

Yes, the 'pabo.'

I smile, knowing that I will see him again because he never had time to hang out with us in the past because of his heavy schedule.

We go to our temporary apartment and unpack.

Hour after hour. We took our time unpacking.

I put the last piece of clothing in a drawer and I suddenly felt arms wrap around my waist. I look behind me to see no other than Hongbin.

"You're done too?" I nod and lean into his warm embrace. I close my eyes, enjoying the sweet moment.

"We should get out. Let's tour around China since this is the first time were here and stuff." he said. I knew he was hiding the fact that he was actually excited about being in China. Being an idol isn't all that easy. Sure they get to travel but they can't tour around. They just perform go to their apartment to pack, then leave.

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