EXO Luhan - Leaving (Part 2)

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PLEASE READ: So, yeah! We're back. I, Little_Deer7789, decided to make a part 2 for you guys. Also, please create requests. But, make sure to request privately on message. I prefer you guys requesting on our individual accounts, @Little_Deer7789 and @12EXO7BTS! Also, this whole one shot will be Luhan's POV. Okay, enough talking, enjoy! ^^


"Hyung, did you know Ai Xin, the foreign exchange student, is leaving SM University?!" Chanyeol exclaimed.

"She is? That's a shame." I replied coldly.

"Why did she leave though?" Sehun asked suddenly.

I did not want to answer. Yes, I do love her, but I was really having a bad day at that time. Now, she's leaving and it's all my fault.

I went to class and sat down, thinking of Ai Xin.

"Yah! Are you day dreaming again?" Xiumin asked.

"Hyung, do I still have time?"

"Time for what?" He asked confused.

"Aish... I might be to late..." I muttered.

"Okay, what the hell are you talking about? How can I answer you if you're not going to question me properly?"

"You know Ai Xin right?"

"Yeah, what about her?" He asked calmly.

"She's leaving. I love her, but I guess I hurt her feelings when I rejected her." I answered. "And she's probably at the airport by now."

"Luhan, why do you always have to ask me for help? Especially when we are at class?" He sighed as he placed his hands at his forehead.

"Mianhae, but please. Can we be excused?"

Xiumin once sighed again before asking, "Mr. Hwang, could you excuse Luhan and I be excused? We have family business going on."

"And why didn't you tell me ahead of time?" Mr. Hwang asked skeptically.

"Because... Um... Be-..."

"Because we just got informed right now!" I cut Xiumin off.

"Okay, go." He said. "But, I'll make sure to contact your parents. Just incase you're lying."

"Shit." I muttered. I'll get caught, but I'll do this for her.


Xiumin and I dashed out of the university. We drove our way to the Incheon Airport. Many people were in our way, but luckily no one noticed us.

"AI XIN!!!!!" I yelled.

"Yah, don't yell. We'll find her." Xiumin said.

"Hyung, let's split. I'll go that way, you go this way." I said.

We both agreed and ran to all the terminals.

"AI XIN!!!" I called out as loud as I can. "AI XIN!"

I saw a tall, slim figure about to board on the plane. It was her. She placed a hand on her face to wipe her tears. God damn it. I shouldn't have broken her heart in the first place.

"AI XIN!" I called out to her.

She gave a quick glance at me and then started ignoring me. She probably really hates me now.

I shoved all the people in line. I didn't care if they considered me rude, I just want to get her back.

I got a grip on her wrist as I pulled her out of the line.

"What the hell are you doing, Luhan?!" She yelled.

"Why are you leaving?!" I yelled back.

"Isn't it obvious?! I'm hurt, Luhan. Hurt! It hurts when your crush denied your feelings." She spoke while crying. "Why am I even crying? I should be over you, right? I need to go. I'll be late..."

I got her wrist and pulled her into a hug. "Don't leave me."

"I need to. You hate me, don't you?" She asked.

"If I did, why would I be hugging you?" I asked her as I stroke her hair. "I love you."

"I-.. Love you too." She said. I smiled crept on my face as we released the hug.

I pulled her in into a chaste kiss. Very sweet, yet passionate.

"Luhan? Yah, where are-... Oh. I must leave you two alone now..." Xiumin said as he left the scene. I gave a chuckle as I wrapped my hands around her petite waist.

"Don't scare me like that ever again, baobei."

"I won't." She smiled. "So, how did you get out of class?"

"I have my own ways." I said. "I even lied."

"Aish. You-..."

"Shhh. What's important, is that you're here." I cut her off.


Then I cut her off again, but instead with a kiss.



Hope you enjoyed part 2! 안녕, 고마워요, 사랑해!

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