chapter ten - Louis

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A soft humming woke me from my sleep. Outside it was dark and I guessed it to be around 3am. It seemed like we were driving on a highway, so we were probably far away from Paris.

Harry must have noticed that I had woken up. "Louis? We still have two hours until we're there," Harry croaked. He seemed exhausted.

"Baby, I can drive now."

Harry nodded, "Okay, thank you." I let my hand caress his jaw and he answered with a little smile. He looked so handsome when he drove. His lips were slightly opened and I noticed a loose eyelash on his cheekbone. I gently removed it and held it between my thumb and index finger.

"Make a wish."

Harry chuckled, blew the eyelash away and dramatically stared of into the distance while acting like he was thinking really hard. 

"What did you wish for?" I asked rather nosy.

"I can't tell you or else it won't come true. You should know that"

"Aw come on. Pleaase" 

"No. Don't even try"

"Whatever, you're boring anyways," I pouted and turned around. 

Just as I wanted to say something, Harry's arm wrapped around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him. I tried to defend myself but no use. 

"Oh look a gas station in 5km," Harry mumbled. "Finally I get to sleep!"

I chuckled and nuzzled myself against his chest. When I was really quiet I could hear his heart beat in the same rhythm as mine. I looked up and could faintly see a few beard stubs that had tickled me when we had kissed earlier.

Suddenly the car came to a stop and Harry asked,

"Do you want me to buy you anything?"

Outside there was a normal gas station, nothing special. I shook my head. He opened the door and I felt a gush of cold, stinky air fill the vehicle.

"Close the door Harold. It's cold!"

"Yeah, yeah, and are you sure you don't want anything?"

"Yes, I'm sure"

He closed the door and walked towards the store, slightly moving his hips with every step. I couldn't resist staring at him, he looked really good. In my stomach thousands of butterflies came to life, fluttering against the walls of my stomach.

Since I still didn't know how late it was I started digging in my pockets and all around my seat. I picked my phone off the dirty ground and wiped the display with my shirt. My phone went on and the bright light hurt my eyes. It was 3:45 am.

Suddenly the car rumbled and my head jerked up. Harry was filling the tank. When he noticed I was watching, he gave me a quick grin. His dimples were so cute. He had the nozzle in his right hand and a water bottle in his left. I had to chuckle because he looked like someone who worked here. He opened the door, raised a eyebrow and asked,

"What are you laughing at?" 

"Oh nothing, are you done soon?"

"Yeah, we should switch places now."

"Okay," I mumbled. I didn't want to drive but that wouldn't have been fair. So I stepped out of the car and ran over to the other side, since it was really cold. Harry caught me before I could sit down. He embraced me in a hug and we just stood there for what felt like hours. Holding onto each other like our lives depended on it.


Two hours passed quickly and soon I saw the lights of Gordes welcoming us. The scenery was mesmerizing, almost breath-taking. I shook Harry to wake him up.

"Look how beautiful!"

He blinked a few times, rubbed his eyes and yawned.

"It's amazing." His voice was deep and raspy and his eyes seemed to be slightly puffy. He laid his head back down and drifted into sleep once again.

I grinned and kept on driving until my Navi told me to take a left on to a dirt road. The road was bumpy and in the corner of my eye I could see Harry's locks jumping every time we hit a rock. Soon I realized that our house would be placed on a hill.

"You have arrived" The loud voice of the Navi startled me. 

I looked around. It was dark but I could see a gate and a faint light through the leaves of a tree. I checked my phone to see if the owners had texted me anything. They had.

"Dear Mr. Tomlinson, we left the key under the doormat. I hope you like the place! Thank you"

"Paying in advance wasn't such a bad idea after all," I thought to myself.

I didn't want to wake the younger lad up, so I went to the house myself, leaving the car behind. The building was on a small hill and was surrounded by, what seemed like a huge meadow with a big tree. There was a walkway that led from the gate to the house and was surrounded by different kinds of flowers. 

The house looked absolutely perfect. It was like a movie.

Swiftly I picked up the matt, took the key that was hidden under it and unlocked the door. Inside it smelled like lavender and it looked identical to my Pinterest board. In just this short time I had fallen in love with the house. 

After moving all of our stuff into the building, I paced down the walkway to get Harry. He was still sleeping. His right arm functioning as a pillow.

"He's such a pretty sleeper," I thought to myself, while carefully opening his door and positioning my arms under his body.

 With a rush of energy I picked him up and slowly carried him into the house. He wasn't very heavy but it still managed to get me out of breath as I stepped up the stairs. When I arrived at, what seemed to be, the master bedroom, I softly laid him down on the left side of the bed.

He automatically turned around, leaving a little bit of space on his side. I settled next to him, kissed his neck and drew little circles on his arms until I fell asleep.


A kiss woke me. Harry had placed his hands on my cheeks and was staring down at me with a loving look in his eyes. His hair was messy, his cheeks were red and he was smiling from ear to ear.

"We're here!"

I giggled. "Yeah we're really here."

I squeezed his hand and walked towards the window. Outside the sun was slowly coming up and the view was absolutely breath-taking. The meadow was filled with flowers and a huge, what seemed like, a Oaktree was placed in the middle of it. It even had a swing fixed to one of it's thick branches. 

"Let's take a look at the swing," I suggested and quickly threw on some new clothes, ignoring Harry's cheeky comments. 

We raced down the stairs and through the meadow until I touched the tree and shouted, 


Harry laughed, "Only by a few seconds"

I ignored his comment and sat down on the swing. From here you could see green hills and valleys and in the very back you could even recognize a city. I couldn't help but smile when I thought about all the memories we were going to have here. 

As if Harry could read my mind, he stepped behind me, wrapped his arms around my waist and placed his chin on my shoulder. His curly hair tickled me but I didn't mind. 

Together we watched the sun rise and the sky fill with colours. Just us, holding each other. 

That's what love means to me.

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