chapter eight - Louis

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I posted the picture with her. It looked like I was happy but we all know I wasn't. Jenny was a nice person but Harry was the person that I loved.


Jenny stayed over for the night. 

I didn't really talk to her. I felt like I was betraying Harry which wasn't even true. 

So I laid in bed scrolling through Larry accounts on Instagram. There were tears in my eyes but they didn't want to fall.

The worst thing was, that Harry thought I hated him.


"Louis??? Wake up"

I jumped up, startled.

Jenny was hovering over me.

"C'mon it's 7am. Time to get ready for work n stuff," she said excitedly.

I just shook my head, "Jenny, I don't really have anything to do all day."

"No, you have an interview at 1pm. Now get ready!" she exclaimed. 

I completely forgot about the interview.

"Bloody hell," I shouted and shooed her out of my room. Quickly I picked out some nice clothes and ran to the bathroom.

After a cold shower, I brushed my teeth and got dressed. When I stepped out of the bathroom Jenny clapped and yelled,

"Wow, you look amazing!"

I blushed a bit. I could never accept compliments so I just smiled. She had made me some breakfast. Eggs and coffee.

Jenny talked about the interview and the next few days. She had everything planned out which was very impressive since I did have a few things coming up.

Her hands were flying through the air while she talked. It was cute and again, I had to smile.

„Okay Louis, I have to go to my apartment and get ready but we'll meet at the interview!"

I nodded and watched her open the door and slam it behind her.


I was sitting in a couch chair. It was comfortable. Across of me was a interviewer. He was pretty. 

He had blond straight hair and soft blue eyes and on his chin you could see a few beard stubs.


„So lets start with your new girlfriend, shall we?," the interviewer said. „How do the fans feel about it?"

I took a quick pause to think about it and answered,

„I have only gotten good feedback but it's only been two days. I know it was pretty quick but Jenny and I have known each other for longer and I always liked her," I lied.

„...and how do the Larry Stylinson shippers feel about it?"

I stuttered," Uhm, I don't really know" The blood started to rush to my head and I could feel my cheeks getting warm.

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