chapter three - Harry

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After spending the day with the beautiful man. It really hit me.

I had spent time with him. I talked to him. I laughed
with him.

That acknowledgment made me smile from ear to ear and I could feel my cheeks glow of happiness. After years of staring at pictures and crying to his songs I finally had him again.

And it was the best feeling ever.


The next morning I awoke to the smell of coffee. I sat up and scanned the kitchen. The older lad was wearing my grey joggers and white t-shirt which reminded me of the old days.

He looked so stunning with his shaggy hair swept to the side and his long, black eyelashes complimenting his practically glowing blue eyes.

All I wanted to do is kiss his red lips, but after all i couldn't.

"hey Haz, good morning!" he shouted.

"Good morning Lou," I answered, blushing.

Since I was a polite man, I got up and asked him if he were hungry. And oh boy he was. So I made him an omelette and an avocado toast for myself.

"You and your avocados," he mumbled, while cutting his omelette into small pieces.

I just shrugged and my mind wandered. Last night I hadn't fallen asleep right away. My mind was too crowded and my stomach was aching, so I went to check on Louis. He was in my bed. All curled up, as if he was trying to protecting himself. His fair skin was shining in the moonlight and his brunette hair covered his eyes. He looked so peaceful and innocent.

"...Harry? Are you even listening to me?" a raspy voice pulled me out of my daydream.

"Uh sorry, what did you say?" I whispered, embarrassed.

"I was talking about what we should do today. I was thinking we should go for a walk."

"Whatever you want to do Louis. I don't mind."

Approximately twenty minutes later I found myself wandering through the park with Louis on my left side. I tried to hide a smile but couldn't conceal a little grin.

"Why are you smiling like that? Louis asked rather cocky.

"Just because" I gushed.

Lou laughed. I loved his laugh, it was so pure and cute. I even could see a faint redish color spreading on the man's cheeks.

After walking around the park for a bit I suggested to get something to eat since both our stomachs were growling. He just smiled and nodded. We stepped into my car and I turned on the engine.

"So where do you want to go?"

"I want pizza!" Louis practically demanded.

I agreed and started speeding down the street while he looked for the nearest pizzeria.

"pizzaria gustavo, does that sound good to you?" he asked.

"Sounds good" I replied.

Everything was perfect. Perfect.

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