chapter five - Harry

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His smile.

It was like sunshine on a cloudy winters day. When he smiled it felt like all my problems vanished.


He smiled. It felt like a dream. I placed my hand on his glowing cheek and told him that his smile was beautiful. He didn't answer but I could feel his heart beating and that was enough.


I had picked out the movie "notebook". Even tho I had watched it about a million times it never got old. When I showed it to Louis he chuckled and mumbled,

"I knew it."

The older one laid the snacks on his desk and jumped onto the bed. I walked over to him and plumped onto his fluffy carpet.

I looked at him. His beautiful blue eyes reflecting the TV screen and his red lips where slightly curved to a smile. I admired his right arm that was full of tattoos. Many of them matching mine.

He looked down at me and mumbled,

"What is it?"

"Nothing, I'm just happy," I answered, and I was, I was so happy.


The movie ended with lot's of tears. Most of them being mine. Louis let out a loud laugh when he saw my red and puffy face.

"Aw, don't cry Harry, it's just a movie," he teased me.

"Oh stop it, you're so heartless."

He chuckled and whispered, "No I'm not!"

I smiled softly.

Louis jumped up from his bed and asked where I wanted to sleep. With you. I chose the pull out couch and got ready for bed.

In the bathroom I stripped off all my clothes and stepped into the shower. I let the warm water run over my body and the steam made water droplets on my nose. I scrubbed myself clean with his shower gel and washed my hair with the lavender shampoo I always had with me.

When I stepped out of the shower the mirror was foggy from the steam, so I wiped it off and looked at myself. My hair was slowly starting to form curls and there was water dripping off me. My lips looked full and red and my cheeks were slightly tinted from the heat. Covered by a few strands of hair I saw my eyes. They were a bright green with a dark blue rim around them. I liked my eyes.

I took a towel, wrapped it around my bare bottom and stepped out of the bathroom.

Quietly I tapped into the living room where the couch was ready for the night. Quickly I put on Louis blue boxers and threw myself onto the couch. A soft smell of honey entered my nose and I immediately felt sleepy.

Suddenly I heard quiet footsteps in the hallway and saw him. Louis stopped and looked at me. He was only wearing red joggers so I could admire his slightly toned body.

"Night," he said and smiled.

"Sleep well."

He then turned around on one heel and tiptoed to his room. He was so beautiful. I laid on my back and stared at the ceiling, wondering if he could ever see me the way that I saw him.


"Wake up, wake up, wake up! Harry, Harry, Hazza!"

I jumped up startled. Where am I? Was the first thought that popped up in my head but when I saw his face the only thing on my mind was

Sunshine. A ray of sunshine.

He laughed.

"Haz, it's already 10am. Are you hungry? I made toast!"

I was clearly overwhelmed, so I stuttered. "Uhm, yes?" My voice was raspy and I could literally taste my morning breath. Quickly I got out of bed and wandered to the bathroom, leaving Louis behind me.

I washed my face with cold water and brushed my teeth with one of Louis' spare toothbrushes. My eyes were a bit puffy but I looked fine. I tried to manage my curls but they just kept on bouncing back. So I gave up and walked towards the older ones bedroom.

"Lou, can I borrow some of your clothes?" I shouted.

"Of course."

I found a greyish sweater and oversized (for him at least) joggers. I changed and looked around his room. I liked it. It looked like him.

"Harold, come on, your toast is getting cold!" Louis was leaning against the doorframe and had a crooked smile planted on his face.

Suddenly my phone started to ring. It was a unknown number, I picked up.

" 'ello?"

"Harry? Is it you?" a rather familiar voice said.

"Yes, this is Harry Styles," I answered. Louis looked at me skeptically.

"This is Simon, Simon Cowell."
It felt like I couldn't breathe anymore. Simon, the man I hated with passion. "I wanted to inform you that I expect you to stay away from Louis Tomlinson. Don't forget the contract. Photos of you two are trending everywhere. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, yes of course," I stuttered and hung up. I could feel the tears gathering but I held them in. Louis walked towards me.

"What happened Haz?" he asked with a worried expression on his face. I explained everything with tears in my eyes. I didn't want to loose him again. again.

Louis' face turned a concerning shade of white. He whispered, "We'll be alright, I promise."

Slowly he placed his hand on my glowing cheek and wiped away a tear with his thumb. Our faces were so close that I could feel his warm breath on my lips. He smelled like honey and coffee. Suddenly I felt a warm pressure on my lips and a tingling sensation went through my body. My arms automatically wrapped around his thin waist and I kissed him back. It felt electric. His hand wandered under my shirt, leaving a warm trail on my skin. I then pulled away to look into his eyes. They were like dark pools of water and I could see tears forming.

"I missed you so much," he whispered with tears in his eyes.

"I know."

He kissed me again. This time with less passion and more love. My hands slowly moved to his hips and I held them tight. Time stopped and the only important thing was him.

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