Oh, Nøkk.
Shrouded in mystery. You never knew her name, nor have you ever seen her face. The two of you almost never talked, only working together on several ops. Yet even then, you two would barely converse. Most contact was either military jargon, call outs, orders and such. But, you had this feeling. You had this feeling of wanting more. This woman of mystery, what was it that attracted you? You've never seen her face, but you did see her determination in her field. You saw the burning passion within her. A flame, shining and burning strong within. You loved her. She was by far your favourite op to work with. Silent, deadly, efficient, effective. Whenever she did speak, her voice spoke with a toxic venom that would enter you into a trance. You wanted more, so much more. You wanted her. Only her.
You sat down in the mess hall alongside Marius, your best friend. The two of you were always so close. Brothers, almost. You two would talk about anything. Literally anything. You just stared in front, looking at Nøkk. She always had a hood on, and this sort of mask with a hole for her eyes and mouth. You always wondered what she looked like. You get knocked out of your dream when Marius nudges you. "Hey, Y/N. You alright there? What's up?" he said as he bit into his sandwich. "N-Nothing..." you replied as you stared back at Nøkk. "Nothing? Mein gott. You are a terrible liar. Who're you looking at?" he said. You stayed silent as you just looked forward. Marius eventually figured out who you were eyeing down. "Ahhhh, Nøkk. You like mysterious women, huh Y/N?" he said while laughing. "Hey, don't judge me. I'm not judging you for your crush on Zofia, who has a husband, mind you." I rebutted. "Ahhh scheiße. You do you man. I'll be here if you need anything." he responded.
You decided you would grow a pair and you would finally talk to Nøkk. One by one, the operators left. Marius left you saying good luck. You nodded in response. Now it was just you and Nøkk. You got up, a little shaky and with a blush all over you.
Okay, Y/N. You can do this. Breathe. In, and out. In, and out. You can do this. Just talk to her! That's it! Nothing can go wrong, right?
You sat next to Nøkk, your eyes meeting hers. You could see the faint outline of her face through the mask, her jawline more apparent and her sapphire eyes staring right at you. "H-Hey... Nøkk." you said nervously. You saw a half-hearted smile form on her face, which sent tingles through your body. Holy shit, she smiled at you.
"Hej, Y/N."
(Hej is just hi in Danish)
There it was, her voice. Her sweet, intoxicating voice. "You ummm, wanna talk?" you said. She looked around cautiously before grabbing your hand and looking straight into your eye. "Follow me." she mumbled softly. She pulled you up and you followed along. As you two walked, the only thing on your mind was what her gaze conveyed. Steady, critical, intense. As if she peered into your soul and saw your deepest desires. Maybe she knows about you and you wanting her. Maybe, she liked you? No, impossible. You're just another soldier. You're just another operator. You hoped to be proven wrong once you got to her dorm. Nøkk fumbles with her keys to her dorm as you wait, looking around the empty hallway. Anxiety starts beating down on you as you wait. Finally she gets the door open, pulling you in with her as she closed the door. The first thing you noticed was that the decor was really minimalistic. The wallpaper was just grey. Her sheets on the bed were also grey. Greys her favourite color, got it. "Go ahead, Y/N. Sit anywhere." she said. You sat down on the side of her bed, it was comfy. "W-Wow, your beds real comfy." you said shooting a smile over her direction. "T-Thanks, I was hoping so, for you." she muttered. You? For you? Are you daydreaming? She sat next to you, her fingers interlocked and her facing the ground. "So ummm, you brought me here for?" you said, facing the Dane. She let out a sigh before speaking. "I've been meaning to tell you something, Y/N." she mumbled as she fiddled around with her fingers. "O-Okay, w-w-what is it?" you asked. You could feel the anxiety take over your body and you gulped, bracing for whatever she was about to say. She slowly took off her hood and removed her mask slowly and faced you. You were speechless. She was absolutely stunning, she looked like she was royalty. She was beautiful. "I, I'm sorry for being so distant, Y/N. I'm just so cautious around strangers and, I don't know how to approach people. People that I like; people like you." she said as she gazed into your eyes. "M-Me?" you said, muttering the only word you could think of at the moment. "Yes, Y/N. You. I, I like you Y/N. Ever since we started working together, I've been wanting to talk to you and know you more but I'm just so scared. I'm scared of what might happen, I'm scared of scaring you off. I'm scared of losing you." she said, slowly putting her hand on yours. Your cheeks turned 50 shades of red, you were speechless. "You're, you're amazing, you know? So valiant, brave, smart, caring, and dauntless. I was just so scared of history repeating itself that, I shut you out. I'm so sorry..." she said before wrapping her arms around. You engulfed her in an embrace, your warmth spreading to each other. You didn't know what to think, you actually weren't thinking. You let your heart and your gut take control. This was the intimacy you had been wanting for so long. She looked up, her eyes staring back into yours. Her pupils were dilated and her cheeks were red, her breathing was rather hard and her nostrils flared up. She was biting and rubbing her lips. Tension filled the air like smoke. You know what she wanted, you wanted it too. You leaned in slowly and closed your eyes, your lips colliding with hers. As her soft lips touched yours, you felt euphoria consume you. You cupped her soft cheek with your hand, caressing it softly as you kissed. Your tongues would meet and rub against each other. You could taste her lip balm with her spit, and you savored it. You licked her bottom lip for entrance which she happily gave. You slowly moved your tongue inside her mouth, exploring it slowly but thoroughly. The two of you pulled away, a small bridge of spit forming between your lips eventually breaking.
"Nøkk..." she cut you off, putting her index finger on your lips.
She leaned in closer,