Dokkaebi: Search History (Female Reader) (Lemon) (Pt. 1)

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"Oh my god! Y/N, get in here!" Grace yelled out, a sense of cheerfulness in her voice as she yelled. 

"Yeah? What's up?" you asked. You walked in all calm and nonchalant, up until you saw what was on Grace's screen. Your calm look immediately went to shock, "Ummm, what's on your screen?!" 

"You kind of forgot to delete your browsing history on the computer." Grace said, tilting the monitor towards you. 

"Oh my- Grace stop! Don't look at it anymore!" you said as you rushed onto the computer, scrambling to delete your history. Grace just laughed as you panicked, "Wow, r/gonewildaudio, hmm? I never knew you were into that." she said as she caught her breath.

Your cheeks were flush with red. embarrassed that your crush just uncovered your, well, your porn. "I saw something else on there, something like Roomies-to-Lovers. I don't suppose that has anything to do with our current situation, does it?" Grace said.

"W-What? O-Of course not! I mean- It's not like I have a crush on you or anything- I mean you're cute yeah but-"

Grace raised an eyebrow and a smirk formed on her face; she looked at you right when you said that she was cute.

"I'm cute?" Grace said, walking towards you slowly. "Fuck yeah, I like you and you're cu- wait, what're you doing?" you said as you noticed Grace's movements towards you. "You're really bad at hiding your feelings, you know that?" she said. You were backing away slowly while Grace moved forward, "Y-Yeah we-" you get cut off as you hit the wall behind you.

"I saw something else on there, Y/N." Grace said, backing you up against the wall. 

This was the last thing you expected to happen.

"You're into being dominated, aren't you? Ninety-percent of your porn has the tag Sub so... this is such great black-mail material!" Grace said as she laughed.

"Please for the love of god don't tell anyone!" you pleaded to her.

"Answer me first, then and only then will I stay quiet." Grace said.

"Goddammit, alright. Yes, I'm a Sub." you said. You couldn't believe that those words just came out your mouth; let alone having your crush as the one hearing it. "I think... I can help with that." Grace said, cupping your cheek with the palm of her hand.

"Wait, you like me too?" you said confused. "Yeah! I've been trying to be super obvious but you just wouldn't pick up."

"Well, that's nice, I guess? I don't know- What're we-"

You feel Grace put her hands on your hips, pushing you up against the wall more; your lips are barely inches away from each other.

"Wow. Going pretty fast, aren't we?" you said as you let out a nervous chuckle. 

"Too fast for you?" Grace said, putting a finger under your chin.

"Just the right speed, I'd say."

"Good, because I can't wait any longer." Grace said right before you felt her lips crash onto yours. You close your eyes, kissing her back and melting into the kiss as you felt her hand caress your cheek softly. 

"You have no idea how much I want you right now..." you said in between breaths as the two of you made out. "I think... I do. I may or may not have heard you moan my name softly when you're fingering yourself in your bed." Grace said, a slight grin forming on her face. 

"Wow, now I'm even more embarrassed." you replied. 

You felt Grace's hand move to your ass, grabbing it and squeezing it through your pants. Your right hand goes to Grace's ass as well, grabbing it through her skintight leggings. 

"Your leggings can barely hold your butt in, you know?"

"Why do you think I always wear them around you?"

"Fair enough."

You feel Grace's tongue lick your bottom lip, asking you to let her in. You part your lips, letting her tongue slide in slowly. You meet her tongue with yours, tasting her spit for the first time and cherishing it. She explores your mouth sensually and you follow her every move like tango dancing. 

Grace breaks the kiss, moving down to your neck; your weakness. 

"Wait, wait..."


"You know that if you kiss or do anything to my neck, there's no turning back and we're gonna be fucking, right?"

"Well, it's a good thing I had that in mind anyways, because I'm gonna fuck your brains out like you've never felt before."

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