Ash: Don't Leave Me... (Male Reader)

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TW: Death

(Please don't read this if you have any aversion to the subject of death.)

It was supposed to be a snatch and grab op, but it turned into an ambush. And you caught a bullet. Gustave and Lera put you on life support. You couldn't talk. You felt your body weaken, you couldn't move. You had zero strength. You couldn't walk, you couldn't do anything. You were stuck to a machine. Your body was failing to fight, and you knew sooner or later you would die.

"Baby..." you heard from across the room. You looked over with whatever strength you had left in you. You met your girlfriend's eyes. Her eyes were, empty. Forlorn, sadness littered every corner. You couldn't handle seeing your girlfriend like this. She was in pain, and you were too. You thought about it and the best thing to do was to let it go.

You felt Eliza hold your hand, her touch bringing some sort of relief to you. You saw tears well in her eyes, and tears soon formed in yours. You saw a faint figure open the door and walk in. He put his hand on Eliza's shoulder, causing Eliza to turn around. "I need to talk to Y/N. Are you gonna stay in here?" Gustave said. Eliza nodded and turned back to you, clutching your hand. Gustave sat down on a chair with a clipboard in hand. He let out a sigh before he began to talk. "Y/N, you are currently on life support. You were in a coma for a week and, Lera and I did whatever we could to see if you could make any sort of recovery. And, I'm sorry to say this. Your lungs are too weak and you can't breathe on your own. You'll have to make a choice." he said. You turned to Eliza and her face went pale, a tear running down her cheek. Eliza soon broke down, tears running down her face as she cried while holding your hand. You motioned at Gustave to give you a piece of paper to write on. He helped sit you up so that you could at least write. You summoned all your strength to write down what you wanted to say.

Take me off life support, Doc.

Eliza, I know you're in so much pain right now, and I know it's because of me. I'm getting off life support. I want you to know that I cherish all the memories we've made for the past 5 years we were together. That time at the beach? I had so much fun. I want you to take care of the kids. Take care of Kilroy, take care of Antoinette. I want you to visit me twice a year. On my birthday, and on yours. Bring the kids, if you can. You made me the happiest and luckiest man in the world. Don't forget me, even when I'm gone. Because I sure as hell never would've forgotten you. I didn't think it would end this way, I hate for it to end this way. But please, stay strong for the kids Eliza. Stay strong. For me.

I love you, now and forever.

You finished writing and you gave the paper to Gustave. He nodded and gave the paper to Eliza. You saw the fear in Eliza's heighten as she read and tears fell down her face. She faced you and shook her head, she was in shock and denial. "No, no, no, no!" you heard her scream as she hugged you. You could barely speak, you felt her tears fall and stained your clothes.

Gustave gathered the rest of Rainbow, and they were there to see you. Everyone had tears in their eyes, even Taina did. "You were one hell of a soldier..." Marius said as he was with you bedside. Gustave pulled the plug. You felt your lungs start to collapse. Eliza held your hand during your last moments. She leaned in closer and kissed you. You couldn't help but cry as you shared your last kiss with your baby. Your one and only. The love of your life. Her tears fell onto your face as you kissed. She pulled away, tears still in her eyes. You brought your hand up and wiped the tears before speaking up softly.

"I love you... Stars..."

"I love you too, Y/N..."

You closed your eyes and felt your body give in, your grip on Eliza's hand loosened until you passed out. You could hear Eliza's muffled cries as you passed out.




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