Frost: Winter Has Come (Male Reader)

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As requested by TakeAStepBack_
I have no idea how to write fluff so sorry lmao, I did my best.

Today was the day. You were gonna confess your feelings to Tina, Frost. You'd liked her for quite a while already and you were sure of your feelings towards the Canadian lady. It started with your first day in Rainbow. She gave you that tour around the compound, and you honestly weren't paying any attention to what she was saying. You were fully captivated by her. And the more you got to know her, the stronger your feelings became for her.

It was Sunday, so it was an off-day for all of you at Hereford base. You walked out your room, your hair fixed up and a nice outfit on; and by nice I mean whatever you could find that worked that wasn't your uniform. You walked over to her door, your heart racing and your mind nagging you. You didn't really have a game plan, you were just gonna ball park it.

Alright, Y/N. Just tell her how you feel! Just three words! I like you. That's it! You can do this. Breathe.

And as a swift breath exited your lungs, you knocked on her door. Your anxiety skyrocketed through the roof as you did so.

What if she doesn't answer?
What if she ignores you?

Your dying questions get answered. She opens the door, a smile on her face as you met eye to eye. "Hey Y/N!" she said. You could feel tingles fizzle through your whole body. You smiled back wholeheartedly at her as you blushed. "Hey Tina. Can I come in?" you said shyly. "Of course!" she said, opening the door even further for you to walk inside. You walked inside, and it was like the AC had been put on max the whole time. "Damn, you northerners love the cold don't you?" you said jokingly. She giggled as you joked, making you giggle as well. "Indeed we do." she said as she sat down on her bed. "So, what brings you here?" she said as she faced you. "I uhhh..." your brain suddenly stopped. You were pretty nervous. Okay not pretty, you were EXTREMELY nervous. You'd feared rejection your whole life. You felt like you were making a mistake right now. You probably should just walk away. But you didn't. You decided to grow a pair and you went for it.

"I wanted to talk to you about something." you said as you fiddled around with your fingers. You saw the expression on Tina's face change. She looked confused, but her eyes conveyed something else. It conveyed a sense of desire, like she'd been waiting for you to say this. "A-And what's that?" she asked. "I uhmmm, I like you a lot." you said. You saw Tina's eyes widen and her mouth opened, definitely surprised. "You, you're such a nice person. Always so bubbly, so kind, I love that about you. I've been wanting to ask you out for months already but I was always too scared." you muttered as your tone softened. You saw Tina get up as she walked towards you. "Why would you be scared?" she said in a soft tone. "I-I, I was always scared you would reject me, and-" you get cut off when Tina suddenly pulls you by the shirt and engulfs your lips in hers. Your eyes widen at the sudden sensation as you feel her lips collide with yours. You let the tension go away as Tina pulls you in deeper, caressing your cheek lovingly and putting her free hand on the back of your neck. She breaks the kiss, pulling away and staring right back into your eyes. Your brain definitely stopped, you couldn't comprehend what was happening.

"Ummmm, ah? What just, W-W-What just happened?" you said, nervously giggling in front of your long-time crush. "Can't you tell, Y/N?" she said, an innocent smile on her face as she looked up at you. She put her finger on your chin, which made you even more nervous. "Y-You, you like me too?" you said. "No shit, silly. I've liked you for a while now. Maybe not just like..." she said as she traced her finger down to your chest. You let out a nervous laugh as tension released from you. "Holy shit, I did not expect that." you said. "Oh shut up, let's just cuddle." Tina said, pulling you over to the bed and pushing you down. Tina got on top of you and rested her head on your chest. You put your hand on her back, caressing it slowly. She brought a hand up to your cheek, slightly pinching them as she smiled right at you. Your eyes lit up right in front of her, and you saw a sheepish smile form on her cute little face. "You're such a cutie, Y/N." she said as she pinched your cheeks. "Me? Cute? Look in the mirror, baby." you replied. Tina's cheeks flushed with red as you said that. She was so fucking adorable. She snuggled up to your side, wrapping her arm around you. You wrapped your arm around her, clutching her close as you took in her sweet scent. Intoxicating, to say the least.

You laid down with her for what felt like forever, you wanted it to be forever. You would do anything to keep her. And she would do the same for you.

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