Ash: A Buried Heart (Female Reader)

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Wounds heal, right?

You waited for Eliza. She said she would come back. You waited. And you waited. And you waited. But when you could finally be together; she wasn't there.

That was years ago.

Now you were face to face.

You were completely different people.  Seems like forever ago.

You locked your heart away into a chest. And you never opened it ever again. But a buried heart never heals. You knew deep inside, you still loved Eliza. You tried dousing the flame. Trampling it, trying to kill it. But nothing worked. You just learned to live with the fact that the love of your life was out there. She was still the love of your life. But was she yours?

"Y/N." Eliza muttered. Her breathing was calm, but you could sense an uneasiness in the air.

"Ten years, I waited. Ten years, I waited for you. Just for us to be together." you said, gritting your teeth, stopping tears from falling down your face. "But when the time finally came. You. Weren't. There." you said.

Eliza's gaze fell down to her feet. She closed her eyes and clutched her hands together.

"Why? Why weren't you there?"


"It's... My nature."

You flinched at what she said. Biting your tongue to avoid saying something you would regret.

"Would you have loved me, for nothing other than who I am?" she said, looking straight into your eyes.

You turned away, walking away from her to the balcony.


You paused for a moment, thinking.

"I... do not love you."

"You were always a bad liar." Eliza said.

"And you hid away what should always have been mine." she said, leaning on the balcony on her elbows.

"Yours?" you asked.

She turned toward you, "Your heart."

Right then and there you felt your heart get crushed. You are confused, maybe even mad. Love stricken.

"Why, weren't you there."

"I was scared."

"Of what?" you rebutted.

"Losing that which we already had!" she said.

"I loved you, Y/N. You know that. No matter what the fuck you tell yourself, it's true. I loved you. I always, loved you. I was just so scared of losing what we already had. I did not know how to deal with my emotions, so I shut you out." she said.

You remained silent.

"And I'm sorry, that I shut you out. It's been years since the last time we talked. And to talk to you now it's, it's surreal."

For a little bit, it felt like time stopped. The beautiful moonlight lit up her face and her auburn hair shined in the twilight.

"Are you not gonna say anything?"

You didn't say anything. But you acted. You pulled her in and ardently kissed her lips. You felt yourself melt in the feeling. You felt your entire being disintegrate. Nothing else existed. Just you and her.

Her lips were as soft as anything, and her taste you savoured so much.

You broke the kiss, staring back into your lovers eyes.

"My heart... will always belong to you."

Story's kinda vague, but I just remembered the relationship of Davy Jones and Calypso from Pirates of the Caribbean so I decided to try and make one based off one of their scenes together.

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