"Welcome to Rainbow, Y/N."You're the new guy. The FNG.
If you don't know what that means, it means the Fuckin' New Guy.
You walk along the halls, following Six. He leads you on through the halls before stopping in front of a door.
"This'll be your room, and you're sharing." be said bluntly as he handed you the keys. He proceeds to walk off before you stop him as you called out. "Wait! Who's my roommate?" you asked. He turned around just smiling at you. "I think you know her. Just go in and say hi." he said before walking off.
"Me? Knowing- what? Ah fuck it." you told yourself as you put the keys in the slot and opened the door. You walk in and the first thing you notice is that the A/C was blasting. You close the door, before hearing a woman's voice echo in the room.
"Whoever the fuck you are, get out before I kick your ass!" she said, walking out of the room on the right. "Hey, I'm uhhhh, the new guy... Six said this was where I was staying?" you said.
The lady just stood there, as if she was examining you.
Suddenly her eyes lit up. "Oh my- Y/N is that you?!" she shouted. You were a little confused, how'd she know your name?
"Ummm, do I know... you?" you said, slightly confused at what was happening.
"It's me! Tina! We were in high school together!" she said, putting down the cup she had in hand on the table.
Suddenly memories started rushing into your brain.
Your first kiss.
"Oh my god. Tina is that actually you?!" you said, dropping your bag on the floor.
Tina ran into your arms, engulfing you in a tight embrace.
"I barely recognized you there!" you said as you returned the hug. She got off you and just looked at you in the eyes.
"Look at you! You're so much taller than me now. We were the same height back in high school and- wow. Just wow." she said as she put her hands on her hips.
"And you are looking as lovely as ever." you said. Tina blushed at this as she smiled at you. "I'm so sorry about what I said earlier. I didn't-" you cut her off as you speak. "Oh please, no need to apologize." you said as you just smiled back at her.
"We have so much catching up to do." she said as she grabbed your bag. She showed you around and brought your bag into your room; well, her room as well. You're bunk buddies.
"So, how have you been? How's Rainbow?" you asked. "Well, it's been great. Pays pretty good. People are decent, I guess." she said as she sat down on the couch.
"What about you? What have you been up to? Besides joining Rainbow." she asked. "Well, I got into the Green Berets, where some dude recruited me into Rainbow. Basically it. Nothing interesting happened." you said.
"I assume you have a boyfriend now, eh? For sure someone would've snatched your heart." you said.
"You'd be surprised. I'm single." she said.
"For real? Lots of guys would've tried asking you at least. And you said no to all of them?" you said, curious.
"Why's that?"
"None of them were you."