Ash x Kali: Bruised Pt. 1

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The locker room had erupted as Ash and Kali got into a brawl. Mike and the others stop it by putting some space between the two women, don't want any blood on the floor. "Are you off your nut?!" Mike shouted, pulling Eliza back as to not cause anymore problems between them and Kali. "Back off!" Jack shouted, getting in between Eliza and Kali. "Fucking bitch!" Kali shouted, trying to get her shot in. Wamai held Kali back, struggling a little bit to control her. From the side, the locker room look like it had split. Two sides at each end. Kali and Eliza on one side facing each other. It looked like it was gonna be a civil war.

But before anyone could really throw hands, Sam Fisher busted into the room, which caused everyone to go into silence. "Eliza, Kali. With me. Now." he said, stepping out the room. The two women walked alongside each other, albeit reluctantly as they followed Sam. Sam Fisher led them to his office, where he gestures for them to sit down. Sam sat down on his table, facing the two. "Now, it's clear that the two of you do not work well. Kali, you had your orders, and I'm pretty sure Eliza had plans prepared whenever you would get into that situation." he said, his index finger tapping the table at a steady pace.

"I won the game for us. She should be thanking me!" Kali rebutted. "At the cost of Grace. You really think there was no better way to deal with the situation? Eliza, give me a run-through of what Kali did." Sam said, facing Eliza. Eliza cleared her throat before speaking. "Grace and I were trapped back to back in a room. I was in cover facing a doorway. Grace was on the other side, she had cover from the doorway in front but there was a another doorway on her flank. Max and Elena had us pinned down and I told Kali to get us out. Covering fire, gives us enough time to get through the door on Grace's flank. But then she opened the door up without telling us anything and I wasn't there to assist Grace since I was still pinned down. If she would've given us covering fire, I would've been able to help Grace out and we would've been safe. I could've assisted Grace with the flank and we would've gotten Elena and Gustave. But obviously, Kali had other plans." Eliza said.

"We won the game. That's what matters." Kali rebutted. Sam turned around to face the window looking on outside at the Stadium. "What you do out there is a reflection of how you would act on the battlefield. That's what our trainings and simulations do. Preparing you for the reality. And disobeying your squad leader and costing someone's life is unacceptable, Kali." Sam said in a stern voice. Kali scoffed at this, getting up to leave Sam's office. "Whatever, I'm out of here." she said, storming out the door. This left Eliza and Sam alone to discuss what to do. "What do you think we should do about her, Sam?" Eliza said, standing up and walking up to him. "Talk to her in private. Ask her about what her thought process was. We don't want losing someone on the field just because someone felt like doing their own thing." Sam ordered. Eliza nodded and headed out the door.

She walked briskly to Kali's room. It's where Kali always stayed. If she wasn't there, then she was definitely at the firing range shooting melons with her sniper rifle. At first she was reluctant to knock on her door, but she was the squad leader and she had the right to know what was going on in Kali's mind at that time. And so she knocked on the door. No response. She sighed and brought her knuckle up to knock again, but before she could the door opened. Kali was on the other side, an obvious feeling of resentment in her gaze. It was steady, but it was eating at Eliza with how her gaze was so sharp.

"We need to talk."

Kali just sighed, showing almost no resistance to Eliza's plight. Eliza walked in, sitting down on Kali's bed while Kali sat next to her. "First off, I wanted to apologize about the punch. I was pissed and... well I was pissed. I'm sorry. Like, really sorry, Kali." she said. Kali let a slight smile form on her face before speaking. "Apology accepted." she replied. Eliza smiled back before looking away. "So, why did you do what you did out there?" Eliza asked. "It was what I thought was right. Right when I opened up the door I got Gustave. I thought Grace would've been ready for a gunfight because as soon as anyone peeked she could pop their head. I guess my judgement was wrong." she said. Eliza inched closer towards Kali, albeit an involuntary move. It's like something was pulling her towards her.

"I'm sorry for disobeying your orders, Eliza. I probably shouldn't have and we might've won the game with Grace coming out alive with us." Kali said, fiddling with her fingers as she talked. "Just promise me you'll never do what you did out there on the field. Promise me that, Kali." Eliza said, finally facing Kali. Kali smiled back, looking Eliza directly in the eyes.

"I promise." Kali muttered. The air filled with tension like a thick smoke. Eliza's eyes stared back at Kali's. Their hands were almost touching, and the two were obviously flustered. They knew what they wanted; what they needed. But no one was willing to make the first move. Eliza's eyes would roam down to Kali's lips, making her bite her lower lip slightly.

Kali's eyes widen when she feels something on her lips...

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