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Our story starts on earth, where we see a beautiful night sky filled with shining stars. We then see a few young children, around 5-6 years old, laying down staring up at these stars.

"Hey William, how come we can't see the stars during the day?" One of the young boys said. He had short light brown hair and dark green eyes. He wore a red shirt with a pair of overalls that had a little space ship on the front. He seemed to be the youngest of the three boys.

"Well it's mostly because when the sun comes out, it's light is so bright the the other star's light can't show." Said the boy named William. He was older than both of the boys, with dark brown hair and navy blue eyes, a very unique color to have. He wore a black shirt with a blue and yellow jacket along with a simple pair of jeans.

"Is it like that in space?" The young boy asked looking at William.

"Hmm, I can't say for sure. But I did hear that when you're up in space you can see every star in the night sky along with the sun." He smiled and the young boy who had a look of amazement and wonder on his face.

"One day I'm gonna go up there and see all the stats in the sky" the young boy said as he turned to look back up at the night sky. As the sat there staring at the stars, something caught Williams eye. It looked to be a shooting star, but something was off.

"Wow, look William it's a shooting star! Oh, I call the wish." The young boy said, as he closed his eyes and began to think of what to wish for. William smiled, but as he looked back at the 'shooting star' his smiled disappeared. It appeared that the stars direction had completely changed, which should be impossible. He then saw as it stopped in mid air, it appeared to be grey with some glowing red. William couldn't tell what it was though, since it was to far away. As he tried to see what it was, he saw it to start going down at high speeds. It then turned, now facing the two boys, William panicked as he quickly got up and grabbed the young boys arm.

"Hey William! I didn't make my wish!" The young boy complained.

"Sorry to say but that's no shooting star, and we have to go now.

The young boy seemed confused, as he turned around to see a large grey and red ship heading for them. Fear filled his eyes as he began to run fast along side William. They ran as fast as they could through the desert, William looked back to see the ship getting closer and closer. He knew that they weren't going to make it but he wasn't going to let this thing take them both. He looked over to see a ditch over to the side, he grabbed the young boy and pushed him over to the ditch. The sudden motion caused him to trip and fall but he made it into the ditch. William was relieved that he was safe, as he heard the sound of the ships engines he ran as fast as he could. As he ran though a purple light surrounded him as he began to float in the air. He turned to see this light coming from the strange ship, as he was pulled closer and closer to it. He tried everything to get out of the light, but it was too late. As he was lifted into a small compartment, a metal hatch under him closed. The purple light then shut off as he fell to the ground, hitting his head hard on the metal floor of the ship. He groaned in pain as his vision began to blur, as he felt the ship moving faster he slowly began to black out.

5 years later...

William sat in a large room, with only a bed and toilet. The room was grey and illuminated by the purple lights built into the room. All the walls were barren except for the one with the large sealed door that kept him in there. He had old and tattered grey and black clothing on and was actually starting to grow some facial hair. As he sat there looking down at the floor, he soon heard the sound of metal foot steps fill the hall. His door opened revealing two galra sentries, both holding a blasters. William sighed as he already knew what was going to happen. He got up and walked over to the sentries presenting both his arms as one of the sentries put cuffs around his arms. He the walked out as the sentries guided him through the halls, which were very similar to his room. After a while they reached a door, as the sentry opened it William walked right into the room as the door closed behind him. He looked around the room to see that nothing had changed, same equipment, same autopsy table, and same guy wearing the mask. William began to walk over to the galra, as the he removed the cuffs he prepared the table for William. As he was distracted though, William quickly grabbed one of the tools on the tray hiding it in his clothes. As the galra turned to him and led him to the table, activating the restraints. William closed his eyes as he hear the sound of a buzzing, bracing himself for the extreme amount of pain to come.

10 years later...

William yawned as he sat in the pilot chair of the ship he was in. Ever since voltron defeated zarkon there weren't man galra ships being destroyed. For a while now William had been working as a scraper, searching different star systems for any broken down or abandoned ship and taking anything of value. However he focused mostly on the ship wrecks that were left after voltron defeated them and with the special galra communications device he stole, he can know where and when the next payday for him would be. Unfortunately, there hasn't been much activity which for William ment no money. Sure he could take a bounty hunter request, but last time he did he almost died. William sighed as he leaded back in is chair. He had his dark brown hair in a mess and a bit of a beard on his chin. He wore a black shirt under some modified galra armor all under a dark blue trench coat like jacket. He wore dark green pants with some armored boots.

"Sigh I guess it's fine that there aren't to many galra ship wrecks out there. Just means that the galra are losing this fight, but still if I don't find som scrap and make money soon I might be out of the job" William said to him self as he looked out of the cockpit window. Seeing all the stars that were once foreign to him. As he sat there he heard the communication device turn on. As he quickly sat up and moved over to it to adjust the frequency.

"shhhhhhrrrrrr attention all galra fleets, we have been ordered to hunt down and eliminate prince lotor. All fleet members are to hunt and neutralize him, his last known coordinates are attached, for the glory of the empire. Vrepit sa shhhhhhhrrrrr"

William smiled to him self as the communication ended. ' well looks like I just found my biggest pay day yet' he thought as he turned back to his controls, starting up his ship as he entered the coordinates from the transmission. Once he was done he jumped into hyper space, heading straight for the gold mine that awaits him.

Little did he know that he would find something worth more than he could possibly imagine.

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