Finally Free

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Hello there!! I'm starting off these Jera one-shots with something angsty so be prepared to cry... or not I'm not sure how good my writing is hehe:)

Everything hurt, but at the same time it didn't. He lay in a hospital bed, his world shifting in and out of focus. He could hear the soft rhythmic beeping sounds of the many machines he was hooked up to, and the not so rhythmic beeping of the heart monitor that was off to his right side.

His breath came in short, wheezing gasps and when his vision did focus for the few seconds it did at a time when he had his eyes open, all he could see was red as he coughed up the sticky substance he knew all too well as blood. He knew it was his time.

His ears were ringing but he still registered the voice of his doctor as he talked to his father who was quietly sobbing by his bedside. He peeled his eyelids open trying to see anything else going on around him besides the constant red that he would hack up only to shut them quickly once again. Keeping them open was too much of an effort.

He whimpered softly as he felt his father's hand brush his messy raven bangs out of his face and continue to run his fingers soothingly through his hair. He knew his father also knew that he would soon be leaving this world and joining his mother in the afterlife. He hated to have to leave his father, he loved him so much, but at the same time he was happy. He was going to be free. Was that selfish of him? Wanting to finally die and leave everyone he knew behind? Not like anyone besides his father would care anyway. Maybe Seraphina still would.


The ringing in his ears intensified, the only sound he picked up was his doctor silently noting the number that was displayed on his heart rate monitor to himself. He wasn't sure why he picked it up, but he did.


Memories swirled throughout his brain like a tornado as he thought about the few good times he had in his life. He realized the only times he was ever truly genuinely happy were with his dad and Sera.


She was always there to put a smile on his face when he needed it the most. She was the one who disregarded his cripple status and was his friend anyway no matter how much it affected her image. She was the one who knew him better than he knew himself. She was like his other half. He always temporarily forgot how useless and worthless he was when he was with her and he loved so much how beautiful she was with her sparkling sapphire eyes, her dazzling magenta colored hair, and that cute skip in her step that would make its appearance whenever they were on their way to get boba.

She was his light, one of his only reasons to keep living another day when it hurt so much.

She had done and been nothing but caring towards him.

So why had he pushed her away?

Why had he insulted and hurt her so much when she just wanted to help him?

He was more of a monster than he thought.

He felt a few silent tears roll down his cheeks and mix with the blood that dribbled out of his mouth and bathed his hospital gown in a sickly dark crimson color. He could feel his father gently cupping both of his cheeks with his hands and pressing his forehead gently to his dying son's as he felt his dad's thumbs wipe away the tears streaking down his face as the other ravenette's own tears continued to fall and splatter on his face.

In this moment he felt so safe and loved and he knew this was his father's way of saying "it's ok, you can go now I'll be fine."

He was so tempted to but he had one last thing to do. He mustered up the last of his strength and forced himself to speak through the crimson liquid still bubbling up from his throat and out his mouth.

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