More Than Friends

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Wow! Another chapter! Don't worry I didn't forget about this :)

Here's some fluff to make up for the angst of the last two chapters:

(Yes the title pic is John stepping on Zeke's face because it's funny)
It was a sunny Friday afternoon and school had just let out for John. The ravenette was sitting in his dorm bedroom, sunlight streaming through the window on the right side of the room, bathing him in a warm glow while giving his messy black hair a lighter gray appearance.

John didn't bother hiding his giddiness as he grabbed his laptop off his desk and flopped down onto his bed, opening it as he adjusted himself into a more comfortable position.

It had been a little while now since John had made amends with Seraphina. She had managed to finally get through to him, and promised to be by his side as he finally got the proper mental help he had been needing for almost two years, and she stayed true to her word. Throughout the whole process, the two had grown even closer than they were before, and John had started finding it hard to hide the fact that he had started thinking of his best friend as more than a best friend.

He hid his feelings though, because he didn't know if she had developed similar feelings about him, and he didn't want to confess and make things awkward between them after things had finally turned around for them both. Seraphina had gotten her ability back, and John was finally realizing where his true morals lied.

The ravenette had become a king everyone had started to look up to. He was kind, charismatic, and he wasn't afraid to step in and stop an unfair fight when needed, usually between low-tiers and mid-tiers.

No one had believed him when he suddenly walked into the Safe House one day with intentions to help instead of to harm. Blyke had tried to throw him out of the classroom, but with Seraphina's convincing, who had been by his side, they both managed to convince the whole club that his intentions were no longer to hurt. He genuinely wanted to help and that's what he did. Him and Seraphina definitely made a great team.

John smiled as he clicked the call button under the contact named "Dad" on his laptop, his bright white smile enough to light up the whole room.

Turns out, Seraphina really did reciprocate his feelings.

It happened around the middle of the school day, as the pair both decided they had had enough of class for the day, and just decided to chill on the roof of the school as they always did.

John was trying his very hardest to beat Seraphina's Slappy Pig score, but with her ability returned, she was kicking his a*s. Of course he could've copied it, but he wanted to play and win the traditional way.

Seraphina snickered as John let out a frustrated sigh and nearly chucked his phone across the rooftop as he lost another round, her head resting against his broad shoulder with her magenta bangs falling over the side of her face as she stared at her own phone, but she seemed to be distracted. She wasn't even using her ability to play the game this time!

In fact, John had noticed that she had been distracted all day, more than usual. He had watched her accidentally bump into someone in the halls, their papers flying everywhere, as the poor kid tried to hastily gather his belongings all while Seraphina continued to walk by with a finger to her chin as if nothing had happened.

'That's not like her at all.' John had thought as he bent down to assist the other student in picking up their scattered belongings, raising an eyebrow in Seraphina's direction as she just continued walking away.

She would've definitely stopped to help.

Now John had tilted his head slightly to the left to glance at the girl who still had her cheek pressed against his shoulder. She seemed to be tapping at nothing on her phone.

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