Stormy Night

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Seraphina had never been particularly fond of stormy nights.

There was just something about thunder, the pouring rain, and the blinding lightning that absolutely scared her.

A childhood fear that had just never gone away, she guessed. It was a fear that she wouldn't reveal to anyone. What would people think if a God-tier, like herself, was terrified of a little lightning and thunder.

What would John think? She always seemed to wonder about this, and wonder even more so why she cared so much about what he specifically thought.

Speaking of John, Seraphina was currently sitting next to him on his left side on the purple couch in the living room of his small one-story house.

After a long day of trying to teach John the basics of logarithms and him not understanding at all, the girl had been too exhausted to walk back to her dorm, so John offered her to stay the night and she gladly took his offer.

It had now been well passed since the sun set, and both teens were currently watching a movie in John's living room while the soft patter of rain hit against the house from the outside.

John was leaning back against the couch, one leg crossed over the other with his arms behind his head as his eyes started to drift shut to the sound of the rumbling thunder that began to make itself known outside. He loved storms, especially when they occurred at night.

He had found he usually had less nightmares on stormy nights, sometimes even none at all. He didn't really know the reason for this, but he supposed maybe the storms offered some distraction to the dead silence of the night that usually reminded him of the dark and eerily silent cell he was kept in in the readjustment facility.

Seraphina, however, was the complete opposite of John. She hated storms enough as it is, but storms at night were even worse. The rain just sounded even more eerie in the dark of the night, and coupled with even brighter lightning and seemingly louder thunder just made everything worse.

The magenta-haired female stiffened as the wind began to pick up and the rain began to whip harder against the window. Her hands balled up into fists as she chewed at her bottom lip while praying that the storm wouldn't get too violent.

She didn't want to embarrass herself and freak out in front of John.

He would probably think her fear was stupid….right?

Her parents certainly did.

Suddenly, Seraphina was snapped out of her worry as a bright flash of lightning lit up the dark room, and she found herself subconsciously scooting closer to John in anticipation of the loud boom that had yet to sound.
Thankfully, thunder didn't seem to follow this round of lightning, so she was good for right now.

'If only I could rewind weather.' She grumbled to herself while rolling her blue eyes at her own idea.

The young female decided to turn her attention to the TV, trying to focus on the artificial light of the TV illuminating the dark room instead of the continuous flashes of lightning.

Seraphina sighed, her thoughts ending up to be occupied by things other than the movie very quickly, and she momentarily turned her blue gaze to look at John who seemed to be sleeping as he was fully relaxed on the couch, his eyes closed and breathing soft and even.

'How is he sleeping through all this?!' She thought to herself, her eyes widening slightly as she looked at John's sleeping form as the storm only continued to grow more wild.

The girl couldn't help but smile, though. John was one of those people that looked really cute when he was sleeping, especially with the way his raven bangs always seemed to curtain one side of his face as he slept.

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