Stars and Cuddles

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It was a beautiful night for the city of Wellston. A particular private high school campus looked especially extravagant tonight. The magnificent buildings stood dipped in the pale radiant light of the nearly full moon as the trees danced to the soft breeze which carried away some of their leaves and sent them fluttering gracefully to the ground. The stars shone bright in the indigo sky, exploding across the sky and creating many fun shapes that a certain stargazing couple were having fun pointing out.

Ever since they had had their first kiss under the stars, spending their nights outside like this had become something very special for them.

“Hey, Sera. Look at those stars over there.” A ravenette whispered softly to his girlfriend, the arm that wasn’t wrapped around her lifting up from its position by his side against the soft grass to point at the group of stars that had caught his attention. Seraphina followed his finger from where her head was resting against the boy’s chest, blue eyes landing on the spot she thought he was pointing to.

“What is it?” She asked, adjusting her position slightly so she could better see the cluster of tiny luminescent dots.

“I was just thinking that the way they were aligned, they kinda look like a pig.” John laughed softly, waiting for Seraphina to see what he was seeing as he let his arm drop back down to his side with a soft thump.

The girl squinted her eyes, momentarily trying to process the weird shape before her eyes widened as wide as saucers upon finally seeing it. She gasped.

“Oh I see it now!” Seraphina responded to her boyfriend’s previous statement with excitement, sitting fully upright to fully look at the pig-shaped constellation. John sighed audibly in protest as he lost the warmth of Seraphina snuggled up to him and was now being chilled by the cool night breeze, but a smile still graced his lips. He knew how much the magenta-haired girl loved anything having to do with pigs. They were her favorite animal after all.

The pair sat in silence for a little while with John still laying sprawled out on the grass and Seraphina sitting upright while leaning her weight back onto her arms, her legs splayed out in front of her.

A few minutes more and Seraphina had turned her head to the side to glance downwards at John. To her mild surprise, the black-haired boy was no longer looking at the stars, but at her instead. Admiration and love shone bright in his half-lidded golden eyes and upon her gaze meeting his he broke out into one of his adorable dorky grins.

“Something catching your eye, sir?” Seraphina teased, a small chuckle escaping her lips as her boy continued to look at her.

“You’re so pretty, Sera.” He breathed out, his voice barely above a whisper as a light crimson dusted his cheeks. Seraphina felt her heart warm at his comment. John always knew what to say or do to make her feel like the only girl in the world.

John loved complimenting her. She had always been his light, a beacon shining through the dark abyss he never thought he’d get out of. But she had pulled him out, she had saved him from self-destructing and now he was going to give her the world. He was going to make sure she knew how much she meant to him whether it be through compliments, a special date night, or moments like these.

He held his girl’s gaze for a moment longer, the yellowish-green highlights in her hair practically glowing under the moonlight, before he ultimately decided he already missed her cuddling beside him and reached an arm up to gently grasp her’s and pull her down from her sitting position back towards him. 

Seraphina gave in with an amused sigh.

Shortly after they had started dating, Sera had noticed very quickly how much John enjoyed her touch. She had been ultimately surprised at first as the boy wouldn't hesitate to drop kick someone across the courtyard for so much as laying a hand on his shoulder.

Some people thought his reactions to people touching him were a bit extreme and that the boy would always over exaggerate something so ridiculous.

But Seraphina knew better. She knew it wasn't ridiculous for John. He had been through so much abuse and torture at the hands of other people that it made perfect sense to her for him to react the way he did.

She was the only one who noticed the split second of fear flash across his eyes when someone's hand would suddenly latch onto him.

That's why she was surprised one day when she had embraced him and he had melted into her touch and embraced her back.

It seemed she was an exception to the ravenette's clear hate of being touched.

From that day forward, Seraphina started figuring out that John actually quite loved her touch and she began to notice the subtle signs he would give her when he was craving it.

The way his hand would slide over her own and he would lean into her as they would both be tapping away on their phones on the rooftop, or the way he would stare pointedly at her bed and then back at her when he was fed up with homework and wanted to cuddle instead.

Sometimes he would even drop his head into her lap when he wanted her to run her fingers through his hair when he was stressed or having a bad day.

John had been deprived of positive physical affection all his life and once he had gotten a taste of it from someone he wholeheartedly loved and trusted, he was instantly addicted.

Seraphina never minded any of it. She had always found it adorable. Besides, she was also equally as touch starved as John was since her parents were never exactly the most loving and she found she became just as addicted to his touch as he was to hers.

Settling back down next to him, the magenta-haired teen nuzzled her head into John's chest, one of her arms wrapping around his torso. She felt the black-haired teen's arm immediately wrap around her and squeeze her further into the comfortable embrace, both thankful as always for the presence of the other. 

Her head against the soft fabric of his hoodie and the warmth from his body heat began to make Seraphina drowsy and she closed her eyes.

 Breathing in the familiar scent of his cologne, she let out another content sigh as she felt John bury his face in her fluffy magenta hair, the arm wrapped around her coming up slightly to tangle through her silky magenta hair extensions.

“I love you, Sera.” Seraphina heard the muffled voice of her boyfriend, his face still buried in her hair.

The girl smiled as the two started to sink into unconsciousness under the stars after two hours of nonstop looking at them. Neither cared that they would have to get up for school in the morning.

“I love you too, John.”

And I'm back!

I actually wrote this for an English assignment. I figured I could get an assignment done and a one shot at the same time.

This one is shorter than my other ones, but I figured I'd start out smaller to try and increase my motivation again.

I also just really wanted to write something simple and fluffy since I think almost everyone one shot I've posted here contains angst of some sort hehe.

I'll try not to die for another 4 months. I'm gonna try my best to finish all the one shots I've started as well as get chapters posted for my other book as well.

I'm still debating on myself whether I should start that other book or not but there will definitely be more content in the future!

As always, thank you all for your patience and have a great day/night! :D

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