Jeraphina Headcanons

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Ok I had this looking so nice and wattpad destroyed it. These are just some headcanons I thought of.

Hope you all enjoy them :D

- Sera was the first one to confess her feelings

- John denied and pushed away his feelings for Sera for the longest time as she was his only friend and he didn't want to lose her. He was afraid she would leave him if he told her he had feelings for her and he would rather have her as a friend than nothing at all

- Sera was pretty oblivious to her feelings for John. She had never felt so strongly for someone before and it wasn't until after their fight about John being joker that she fully realized just how much she cared about him

- John and Sera's first date was a movie and boba date. John was ten minutes late to their first date as he wanted to look nicer for Sera but all he was finding in his closet was t-shirts, muscle tees, and cargo shorts

- Sera's favorite thing to do is to drag John to the mall with her and force him to try on all sorts of outfits she knows would look good on him. She takes pictures of him wearing every single one and puts them in a special file on her phone to look at when she's bored(she ends up buying everything for him that she makes him try on)

- Sera thinks John looks super cute in flannels so she's always buying them for him

- John thinks Sera looks gorgeous in every outfit she has on and always makes sure to remind her

- John brings Sera a fresh bouquet of flowers every week. He comes to her dorm early every Monday morning to surprise her with them

- Sera would keep her phone in front of her face in the infirmary to hide the fact that she was sneaking peeks at John's abs when he was injured 

- John is pretty shy when communicating his feelings to Sera, but as their relationship progresses he gets more and more confident and comfortable 

- John will do literally anything for Sera; it's his mission in life to make her feel like the most special girl in the world because to him she is

- Holding hands is one of the most natural things for them to do. They had started holding hands even before they were together and didn't even notice they were the first time they did it until they heard someone in the halls comment on it

- John is very overprotective of Sera and still isn't afraid to hurt anyone who dares to hurt her

- Sera started wearing black nail polish not only because it was her favorite color but because the color subconsciously reminds her of John

- John has a whole photo album of every picture him and Sera had taken together while Sera has a huge collection of polaroids

- Sera was the first one to say "I love you"

- Despite being shy, John is actually very romantic and doesn't go a day without reminding Sera how much he loves her

- Sera likes to play with John's hair and he secretly loves it

- Although he hates being touched, John absolutely loves cuddling with Sera. Sera finds this unbelievingly adorable and makes sure to make time at least once during the day to cuddle with him

- John and Sera are very intimate and touchy with each other 

- Sera has now taken to sitting in John's lap whenever they are playing Slappy Pig or just doing homework together

- Sera loves calling John "Babe" especially around other people because she loves how flustered he gets

- John and Sera's first kiss was out on a stargazing date John had taken her on; it was their 5th date

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