Graduation Pictures

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There's a tad bit of spice in this one

It's so poorly written cuz I rushed it 💀

An incessant beeping sound ripped through Seraphina's pleasant dream like the vicious claw of a hungry beast, dragging her back to the waking world far sooner than she would've liked.

Of course, it just had to be one of her favorite ones as well. Stupid beeping.

Grumbling to herself, Seraphina forced herself to abandon her cozy spot against her boyfriend's naked torso, his arm falling from around her smaller form as she sat upright while detangling her legs from the young man's in the process.

The young woman yawned and rubbed at her blue eyes tiredly, peeling them open and turning her head to face the source of the annoying beeping only to squeeze her eyes shut again against the thin streams of light filtering in through the curtained window just off to the right side of the bed.

Frowning, Seraphina threw a hand up to shield her eyes from the worst of the light, opening them just enough so she could read the red block numbers pictured on the alarm clock sitting on her nightstand.


She groaned as she read the time, smashing her fist down on the off button of the alarm clock to silence the damn thing before running a hand through her magenta hair.

Why did the first day of university have to start so early? She could spare a few more minutes, couldn't she?

Seraphina let out an annoyed huff, flopping back down onto the bed and tossing John's arm back over her midsection before pressing her nose back into his muscular chest.

If she could cuddle with him all day, she would, and she knew he would as well.

"Was that the alarm?" A deep voice laced with exhaustion asked. Seraphina's heart fluttered. She loved his morning voice.

"Yea." She replied with another yawn, feeling John bury his face in her hair and tighten his hold on her. "We should probably get up now if we don't want to be late."

This was true. Their shared apartment wasn't on the Wellston University campus, so it would take them longer to get there. She knew this, but she had laid back down anyway. John was just so handsome and adorable that she found herself craving more cuddle time with him. Damn his attractiveness.

Guess she really couldn't lay in bed anymore, though.

Sighing, Seraphina pried herself away from John once again, the male cracking open a golden eye and giving her a small pout at the loss of her touch. The magenta-haired woman laughed softly as she gazed back down at him, reaching forward to ruffle his messy black hair before placing a tender kiss on his forehead.

"Come on, sleepyhead!" After our first day, we can be late all we want!" She gently ran her hand down the side of his face, pausing to lightly tap his cheek a few times before turning and swinging her legs off the bed and rising to a standing position.

If she wasn't the first to get up, then neither of them would.

Seraphina shuffled out of the bedroom in her pink pajama shirt and black pajama shorts, lifting her arms up in a stretch as she walked down the hallway towards the bathroom.

Glancing to her left side, her azure gaze caught sight of the five photos lining the light gray painted wall that opened up to where the kitchen and living room were.

The magenta-haired woman halted in her steps and smiled fondly at the five photos, eyes glittering with memories.

They all had to do with their graduation from Wellston Private High School.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2022 ⏰

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