Wisdom Teeth

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Something fluffy for yall :D

Seraphina and John sat in the waiting room at the dentist's office, John waiting for his name to be called to go back for his appointment.

The ravenette was getting his wisdom teeth removed today and Seraphina could tell he was nervous. To anyone else, he would've looked calm and collected, no worries about his teeth removal whatsoever. His poker face had long since been perfected.

But the girl knew better. She could tell by the way he was bouncing his leg and constantly cracking his knuckles that he definitely wasn't calm and collected on the inside.

Seraphina raised an arm to place a comforting hand on her boyfriend's thigh, his bouncing leg coming to a halt as she rubbed small circles into his thigh with her thumb.

He turned his golden gaze to her blue one, his eyes shining with gratitude as he clearly appreciated her small gesture.

Seraphina offered him a small smile back, silently conveying to him that she was always here for him. She used her free hand that wasn't on his thigh to reach up and ruffle his unruly ebony locks before bringing her hand back down and giving him a quick peck on the cheek.

She felt the added weight of John's head flopping onto her shoulder and she moved her small hand off his thigh to grasp onto his bigger hand, running her thumb across his knuckles as she let out a content sigh.

That was another thing about John when he was nervous. He desired more affection and Seraphina thought it was absolutely adorable. Only affection from her of course. Everyone else could f*ck off according to John.

"John." A tall, slender woman with long, pale orange hair tied into a low ponytail walked out into the waiting room, her pink eyes scanning the area until they landed on John who had just stood up, his hand still in hers. "Hello there." She said cheerfully, a bright smile adorning her face. "My name is Darcy and I'll be doing your procedure today." The woman adjusted the mask underneath her chin as John took a step forward, Seraphina giving his hand a final encouraging squeeze before he had to let go.

The magenta-haired girl watched as the young male disappeared out of view with the woman leading the way, the door they went through clicking shut behind them.

And now Seraphina had to wait. That was alright though. She had her phone to keep her busy. John had stolen her phone earlier at school and had taken a whole ton of ridiculous selfies. When she said a whole ton she meant a whole ton.

The girl chuckled to herself as she swiped through the pictures on her phone, stopping at a picture of John holding the phone up with one hand and his other one holding up a peace sign. His eyes were crossed and his mouth was wide open with his tongue hanging out, a blurry figure of Seraphina herself running towards him from behind in an attempt to grab her phone back without her ability.

In the end, she let John have his fun taking pictures, not surprised when she ended up with 334 new photos in her gallery (she kept all of them).


Seraphina wasn't sure how much time had passed before she heard the sound of the door that led to the back rooms clicking open for the five millionth time while she had been sitting there.

The girl lifted her head up from where she had it resting against her palm, her elbow propped on the smooth armrest of the chair as Darcy entered the waiting room.

"Are you Sera?" Darcy asked, amusement glimmering in her eyes. They were the only things visible above her mask.

"Yes, that's me." The younger girl confirmed.

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