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"I love this feeling of tension in the air!", Netero exclaimed with a smile reaching up to his eyes. Most examinees didn't budge, and instead kept up their dark glances. The suffocating silence was interrupted by a sneeze, followed by a quiet "Someone's making fun of me..."

Killua snorted at Aph, who was still rubbing her nose with a pout. The group was dismissed, and while most went to look for a place to rest up, Gon had a different idea.
"Let's go explore the airship!"

He took them both his friends by the wrist and started pulling them down the corridor. Sharing the same humor, they both kept their stance and watched Gon struggle to get them moving. He tried to pull, push and after some time even tackle, but to no avail.

"Let's have some mercy?", suggested Aph, though it sounded more like a question than a statement. Killua made eye contact, then they both glanced down at Gon in between them, one arm around each of their waists and shoulders pushing against their backs.
"Five more minutes?"
"Five more minutes."

Eventually, they had their share of cruel entertainment and followed behind Gon. The trio inspected hallways and rooms, snooped around in the control room, got into trouble, sneaked their way into the kitchen and got into trouble again.

"If you want to eat, go to the dining hall!" One of the cooks angrily waved his cooking spoon after the running trio.

Giggling, they snacked on their loot and slowed down their pace when they reached a corridor with some huge windows. Killua and Aph kept arguing about who would get to eat the last cookie. The taller girl held it up above her head and smugly grinned as Killua tried to jump for it.

"Guys, look at this!" Gon the peacemaker pointed at the window. Thousand upon thousand of stars decorated the night sky, reflecting the city lights underneath. Aph took this opportunity and quickly bit off half of the cookie, throwing the other half above Killua's head. He hissed but jumped up anyway to catch it between his teeth, like a dog performing tricks.

Aph joined forkboy on one of the benches in front of the windows, soon followed by Killua sitting on his other side. They gaped at the sight before them, until Gon spoke up.

"Your parents, are they... I mean, where are they?"

Killua kept looking out the window with a nonchalant expression. "They're alive... Probably." Aph could hear imaginary elevator music and let out a bored sigh.
"What do they do?"

"They're assassins." He shrugged and leaned back on the bench, arms behind his head. Gon leaned forward with big eyes to get a better look at Killua's face.
"They both are?"

Aph layed her cheek on the back of Gon's shoulder to to do the same.
"I have some questions for you then. First, what do you do with the bodies? Second, how much money do you make, is it worth it? Third, can I sell your shoe or something? That's gotta be worth a ton."

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