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"Aph, we're here!"

Said girl raised her head, which was resting on the floor rather uncomfortably with the starfish pose she was striking. She gave Gon a sly grin, her sharp canine teeth showing, before dramatically smacking the back of her hand against her forehead and "dying".

"Oh no, for all the times I have sinned. The gods have let the punishment rain over my delicate body."
"Litteraly no one asked.", Killua remarked while throwing a piece of candy in the air and catching it in his mouth.

Aph immediatly stopped her acting and snapped her eyes open with a glare. "What I'm saying is that I'm too lazy to walk, cotton swab! Carry me!"
"wHy would I carry you?!"
"Because I'm the baddest bitch here!"
"The only bad bitch I see here is myself."
"*gasp* You did not just–"
"So what if I did?"
"... Killua, I love you. Let's move to the country side and open a gay bar."

Their bickering continued, with Aph showering Killua in love and affection and him trying to dodge her, until Kurapika pulled both of them back by their collars.

About twenty minutes and an energy drink or two later, the appliciants had been left on top of the so called 'trick tower', watched someone get eaten by giant birds and came to the conclusion that there had to be trapdoors in the ground. Actually, Kurapika did most of the thinking, since he seemed to be the only one who knew how to use his brain properly.

"That reminds me! One time I managed to fall into a trap door when I was ghost hunting in an abandoned castle! It was really painful!", Aph exclaimed happily while watching Gon crawl around on the floor and trying to find a place that sounded hollow.

"You keep talking like an old man. How old are you really?", Leorio asked her accusingly, as if sharing her seemingly endless life experiences was something bad.

"What year is it again?..."
Kurapika seemed a bit worried for her.
"No wait, I know! Let me do the math... Arghhh.... Ah! Something fifteen-ish!"

"Did you just calculate your age and you still don't know for sure?"
"Don't know my birthday, livin' da orphan life, yuh yuh."
"Yuh 😩", Killua mumbled quietly from his spot on the floor, before quickly looking around to check if anyone heard him. Luckily, no one did.

"What happened to your parents, if you don't mind me asking?"
"Oh Pika, I love how the author is struggling so hard to get your way of talking right without making it sound sarcastic. Well, I never knew them. I'm origanlly from ✨𝓶𝓮𝓽𝓮𝓸𝓻 𝓬𝓲𝓽𝔂✨."

"I'm sorry..."
"What for? I had the luxury of naming myself!"
"So you're telling me that out of all the names on this planet, you chose Aph?" Leorio continued being salty about everything.
"It's short for Aphrodite, Mr. Oreo!" –"What did you just call me?"– "You know how cool it feels to be called by the name of a goddess?"

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