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"All that remains now are the fourth phase and the final phase. The fourth phase will take place over there on Zevil Island." - the emaniner pointed at an island a couple of miles behind him - "Let's proceed. To behind with, I need each of you to draw lots. It will decide who you hunt and who hunts you."

A cart with a box was brought over by an assistant.
"In this box, there are exactly 25 numbered cards. Which means, that one of the numbered cards will correspond with your badge. Now, pick the cards in the order you exited the tower. All right, which one of you is first?"

Aph let out a yawn and stretched arms over her head. An audible crack came from her back, making Gon, who she stood next to, flinch. The cracking continued with her neck and hands, until she let out a relieved sigh.

She went up to the front and picked one of the cards. The suprised glaces that she managed to exit the tower right after Gitterackur were ignored as she glanced at the card while taking her own badge off. The number was still covered with a sticker and she was having a hard time not taking a peek already.

The examiner continued once everyone had their cards.
"Has everyone drawn? Very well, now if you would, please go ahead and remove the sticker."

Aph pursed her lips and blinked at the number.
'Guess who didn't look at the other's numbers once. Who the hell is nunber 91?'
Still pouting, she smacked the white sticker against her forehead and pressed it down gently so that it would stay on.

"You're free to dispose of your cards if you like. It makes no difference. The ocjective is to steal your target's ID badge." Rat guy was definitely her least favourite examiner.

"The method is up to you. Procure the bagde however you see fit, but if you kill your target, you can take their badge easily." Too much work. It would be much easier to just snatch the badge quickly and leave before they realize.

"Listen carefully," Oh boy "collecting the ID badge of your specified target will earn you three points and so does your own badge. All other badges are worth one point. You need to collect six points by the end of the week to pass the fourth phase."

'So when we're 25 people, the most that could pass would be 12. Eh...'


Turns out that Gon's target was Hisoka. Good luck buddy, he's gonna find a new UnRIpE fRuIt.

"Good luck my folks, don't die, stay hydrated, and dear god Oreoguy, use some deodorant."

Kurapika, who had his arm linked with hers, lowered his head to try and conceal his laughter. Leorio gasped like he had just been personally attacked.

"I was locked in a tower for 72 hours, young lady!"
"Aw, you called me lady. But even I managed to smell good. Here!" She pushed her arm under his nose, but he just pushed it away without even considering gracing himself with her immaculate scent.
"Why is that thing even on your face?" He glared at the sticker still on her forehead.
"It's fashion. You wouldn't understand."

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