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Aph never carried a single moment of silence with her. Something about her was always making a noise, be it her fingers drumming on her knees, joints cracking or her almost aufible though processes. Or like right now, the humming, as she stared out of the tour bus window with an airy smile.

"So that's where the assassins base is? Looks kinda creepy doesn't it?" Leorio spoke up from beside the girl, leaning forward so he could glance at the mountain behind the glass.

"It does. Once we arrive, we should gather information."

"Check it out." Leorio whsipered catching his friends' attention and pointing to the back of the bus, where two grim looking men sad. "No way in hell those guys are tourists."

"True true." Aph nodded and decided against listening to the tour guide rambling. She had been here a good while back, for no reason, just because she felt like it. Though she couldn't remember much of it, since she wasn't really shown anything interesting.

The whole group let their jaws hit the floor when they arrived at the front gates. Aph nonchalantly scratched her shoulder and popped a piece of gum into her mouth.

"This is the front gate of the Zoldyck estate. No one who's entered has ever come out alive, which has earned these gates the nickname of the door to Hades. To enter you have to go through the door by the security checkpoint, but beyond that is private property so, this is as far as we can go."

"Hold on, this is the front gate?! But the mountain is all the way over there!"

"That's right. The Zoldyck family owns Kukuroo mountain. Every inch of it, not to mention all the surrounding land."

'Knew it. Filthy rich.' The brunette popped a bubble. 'I could just marry into the family and then kill everyone, I'll get all their will.'

"So what you're telling me is that this is their front yard...?"

"Miss tour guide?" Gon suddenly asked, slipping away from Aph who had her elbow comfortably rested on top of his head. She frowned and stepped away from the group on her own for a bit, until she stood by the gates.

She craned her neck to look up the massive wall. She stared, but it didn't stare back. For some reason, she took that as a challenge and punched the stone, only to wince and softly cradle her now hurting hand. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the two suspicious men from the bus walk up to the guard.

"They probably rely on the mystique to protect them. I bet the truth is a whole lot less interesting." He then shoved open the door to the security checkpoint with his shoulder and pulled the poor guard outside by his collar."Open up the gate!"

"I'm afraid I can't! The Master of the house would not approve of sich thing!"

"Don't worry about that. We kinda figured we'd kill your master anyways."

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