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THIS STORY IS DISCONTINUED. I had a lot of ideas while writing this but nothing really turned out the way I wanted it to, resulting in an epic writers block and loss of motivation. This was only published because I had already spent so much time writing it.

Sorry if you actually liked the story and would have liked to read more.

Anyways, here are two scenes that survived my multiple waves of spontanously deleting stuff.

If you couldn't guess it, the first scene would have happened in the heaven's arena arc.

The second one is from the chamira ant arc, and I think you deserve to know that I really wanted to let Aph die and let everyone else suffer. What is it with wanting to kill your favourite characters?



You can't see the stars in big citys.

The lights are just too bright and the stars too far away, so the little twinkles of light end up being too weak.

Aph knew that, but it was still astonishing everytime. When she looked out the window, up from the extra matress they had crammed into the boys' room in between their beds, she saw one solid colour in the night sky. The only specks of brightness came from street lamps below the room, or the busier streets a bit further away. Heaven's arena stood tall, not that far away.


She blinked at the window in confusion. Once she recovered from suddenly being pulled out of thoughts, she looked at Killua, who layed on his bed with his arms beneath his head. Eyes closed, and for once completely relaxed, he almost looked asleep, if it wasn't for him continuing to speak.

"Let's go shopping."
"Why?" She turned her whole body to face him and was greeted by a judging glance out of the corner of his eye.
"Have you taken a look at yourself? You're worse than Gon."

She looked down at her cheap neon pink tank top with ripping seams and grey shorts that used to be sweatpants but got cut off in summer. Somewhere thrown at the end of the matress were the mismatched stocking and worn down black hoodie. Her shoes covered in duct tape and dirt and the plastic backpack were all spread across the floor.
"I don't know what you mean."

Killua was already standing up.
"Come on, let's go. I need at least one other person here that doesn't look like a clown."
"Aren't shops closed at this time?" She sat on the end of of the matress while trying to pull both stockings up her legs at the same time, toes getting caught in the many rips while doing so.

"Not in this area. Hurry up."
"Killua the fashion police."
"I will steal your pinkys."
"Would love to see you try. And I think Gon's outfit is cute."
"It's cute."
"No. No it's not. It's a disgrace to humanity."
"It makes him look all jumpy and tiny!"
"Well that's not the look we're going for."
"What are we going for then?"
"Lawful evil."
"Seriously? I prefer chaotic neutral."
"But those green shorts scream chaotic good."

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