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It's nice to know that when everything goes to shit, racoons will never judge you. Only haunt your waking nightmares with their tiny, tiny hands.

'Hot person spottet. Flirting activated.'

A tall brunette made her way through the crowd of appliciants ellegantly, totally not bumping into at least ten people. The badge pinned to her fading black hoodie showed the number #69, for which she had lurked around in the restaurant above for hours, counting the appliciants.

Her arms were crossed with her fingernails running up and down her arms. Looks were shot her way, well, more like her outfit's way. Paired with the Hoodie were baggy grey shorts and chunky boots that used to white under all the dirt. High mismatched stockings with some rips in them covered the majority of her legs, only leaving a small stripe of skin visible under the shorts.

Just as she was about to reach the hot blond, she spottet the two people with him. One was a man that seemed really young but really old at the same time and- oh my god is that a chicken?

'Aww cute little baby~', she sung in her head at the dark haired boy dressed in some green catastrophy outfit, but she wouldn't dare roast an innocent boy. An innocent boy she was already planning to adopt.

Now she didn't have a choice but to harrass those people. She stepped forward, only to be blocked off by a body. She recognized him as the man that had offered her juice a couple of hours ago, to which she had procceded to laugh at him laudly until he left in shame.

"I haven't seen you guys before. I'm a veteran here, I suppose. The names Tompa."

Her grey eyes blinked at his back a couple of times as he went on to talk about other appliciants and how this was his thirty fifth time taking the exam. He smelled like sweat and rat, a horrible combination.

"To us being friends, I propose a cheer!"
It didn't take them long to discover the poison in the drinks. Blondie and the young-old guy that somehow looked like a hedgehog both poured the juice out, while the smallest one tried to look into the can through the small hole.

By now, she had liftet her right foot slightly from the ground and bent her upper body to the side in an uncomfortable angle, continuously dragging her nails up and down her thigh. Scratching felt good.

"Eyo minecraft Steve."

Finally, her existence was acknowledged. Tompa turned around, his face painted with embarrasment, while her targets saw this as an opportunity to flee. She scowled while watching them sneak off into the crowd.

"What is it now?", Stevedemius the third didn't seem to have the best impression of her. She could deal with that.

"Wanna see something cool?"

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