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"Now then, the Hunter exam comittee runs this hotel, so I want all of you to make yourselves at home until the battles are over. For the final phase of the Hunter exam, you will be competing in a one on one tournament. Here is the bracket we out together."

Aph rubbed her hands excitedly after seeing she would be fighting against Hisoka first. It had been a while since their last fight, and back then, her Nen was still much weaker, just like her body.

"Under these circumstances, everyone gets at least two chances to win a round!"

"Yeah, but some people can get five chances to win." Pokkle pointed out.

"Now that's fair, but this bracket was designed based on each of your individual performences throughout the hunter exam. Those who were rated highly will have the Mist chances to win."

"I don't get it. Can you explaining how exactly you scored our performances?"

"No!" Aph jumped at the old man's sudden shout and almost jumped up again to cling to the ceiling if it hadn't been for Gon holding her shoulders down and telling her to calm down.
"But I can explain the criteria we used."
'Damn you, chairman.'

And the rest was simply too many words for Aph's brain to make sense out of. She was a dumb child with short attention span, her head was for survival and not lectures. What she did understand was that the winner of each match gets their license and the loser moves to the next fight. To win, you had to make your opponent admit defeat, and if you killed them, you were disqualified.

The thought of killing someone immediatly made Aph remember that time she got involved with the government and was hired to assassinate someone. Since it was her first ever kill, she used some interesting ways to cope with it.

The girl let herself dangle up side down a few meters above the pavement from a rope that was connected to a rooftop. The two bodyguards of her target quickly recovered from the scare and went to move in front of them, but they weren't fast enough.

A blood-curling grin spread across the young girl's face, baby fat on her cheeks lifting up and innocent eyes glinting with bloodlust.

It would be the last thing her target would ever hear, as the bullet was already fired and busting through their skull.

Ah, a fond day to remember.

"First off, Aphrodite vs Hisoka! Please step into the middle of the room."

She hadn't even realized Gon still had his hands on her shoulders until he suddenly took them off and she got cold. Was this guy a human shaped heater?

"You shouldn't do anything risky. Surrender if you could get seriously injured."
"Sure thing, Mamapika." She grinned over her shoulder.

A frown fell onto her face as she looked down at her feet.
"Just a second." She rumaged through her backpack and eventually pulled out some duct tape.

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